6. Explain authoritarianism. What are key characteristics of it?

7. What distinguishes totalitarianism from other forms of authoritarianism? What are its key characteristics? Provide two country examples of totalitarianism.

8. What are theocracies? What are key characteristics? Provide a country example.

9. What is distinctive about bureaucratic-authoritarian rule, compared to other forms of authoritarianism?

10. Explain the meaning of the phrase “hybrid regime.” What are different ways to call it?

11. Explain the first cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

12. Explain the second cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

13. Explain the third cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

14. Explain the fourth cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.

15. Explain the fifth cause for the rise of authoritarianism discussed in the text.


Sample Solution

Because senior cadres in these regimes have distinct interests and operate in various strategic settings, prior research suggests that different types of authoritarian regimes fall apart in various ways. On the basis of that theoretical framework, I investigate how controversial collective activity affects the chance of an authoritarian collapse using event history models. This analysis demonstrates that some forms of autocracy are more likely than others to fall apart after controversial events, and that the size and direction of this effect differs not only between different forms of authoritarianism but also between different sorts of collective action.

ics has never been a Science – and it is even less now than a couple of years prior.’ Paul Samuelson depicts how financial experts like to allude to their hypothetical models – those which have insignificant connection to this present reality, for they can’t think about the silly human conduct on state or macroeconomic undertakings. Rethinking a variety of fields in exceptional ways is basically the way in which Artificial Intelligence has caused upon a few enterprises, just by utilizing a bunch of strategies to dissect information to come to additional very much educated derivations and conclusions about our reality. To connect two differentiating universes – Economics and Artificial Intelligence – would maybe balance a contention that Economists taking care of monetary issues would have an ostensibly sensational commotion since Adam’s Smith beginning of Economics, helping mankind in tackling a scope of issues. As both created and non-industrial nations anticipate moving towards a full grown economy, there will be a few developing worldwide issues that financial experts need to tackle inside the following 20 years. While it is certain that Economists should assist with tackling a few developing worldwide issues inside the following 20 years with economies moving towards security, it is, in any case, sketchy and more right to consider on whether Artificial Intelligence will be the vessel for our economy to be more adequate and supportive by and by.

Taking into account the quick development in the worldwide populace, there has been an expansion in promotion for the environment emergency and the restrictions brought about by over-double-dealing of assets in our roundabout economy. Every one of these are, incontestably, the repercussion of the past modern exp

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