Avatar Movie – based on your own comparison of the agreements and disagreements

Based on your own comparison of the agreements and disagreements between the two authors Stephanie Zacharek and Kenneth Turan, identify a difference in the value, priority or definitions that seems to be driving the two authors furthest apart. Defend your assertion. I your essay make specific references to the text, quoting each at least once. Cite sources as appropriate in the test and create a works cited list.

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Myths are supernatural or religious tales with cultural and historical backgrounds, often containing moral lessons that are valued by the culture they originated from. The movie Avatar is a modern myth that draws immensely from classical myths and therefore reuses and reloads the thematic concerns that were used in classical times to communicate to the current audience. This paper explores in comparison how many authors and specifically Stephanie Zacharek and Kenneth Turan exposes their thoughts regarding the same.

otions first. The theory of emotions can be divided into two categories, these are cognitive and non-cognitive. The cognitive theory is when the emotions are or involve evaluative thoughts or judgements, whereas non-cognitive emotion can be described as emotions occurring without any thought. For something to be seen as representational, it has to be a stimulus input, then the representation is happening based on that stimuli. When we talk about emotions, for these to be representational it would mean that the stimulus would have a direct effect.
In this report I will be looking at arguments where emotions can be seen as representational and counter-arguments where it is believed that emotions are not representational. After doing this I will conclude by arguing that emotions are representational and explain why I believe this.

The philosophical literature contains discussions on the argument that emotions are representational. In order for emotions to be representations, it is believed that emotions are perceptual states and that they detect patterned changes within the body. (Jesse J.Prinz). Emotions allow us to decide on behaviour responses which come with the external situations that we deal with daily. An analogy that will help us understand this theory is the example of a smoke alarm, it is set up to make sound when it senses smoke. We are wired in the same way, in the sense that we “enter into bodily states when matter of concern arises” [1].

Evolution plays a big role in trying to help us understand how emotions are representational. There are different bodily patterns that the body goes into depending on the situation we are found in and evolution has a role in it as over the years it allowed our 

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