“Aversion Therapy for Problem Behaviors”


In your own words, explain “Phobias and Treating Phobias” / “Aversion Therapy for Problem Behaviors” / “Medical Applications of Classical Conditioning”

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Aversion therapy is a psychological or medical treatment that uses negative physical and emotional associations to encourage behavior change. Aversion therapy is based on classical conditioning. According to learning theory, two stimuli become associated when they occur frequently together (pairing). Aversion therapy used the same principle but changes the association and replaces the pleasure with an unpleasant state (counterconditioning). It works by pairing together the stimulus that can cause deviant behavior (such as an alcoholic drink or cigarette) with some form of unpleasant (aversive) stimulus such as an electric show or nausea-inducing drug. With repeated presentations, the two stimuli become associated and the person develops an aversion towards the stimuli which initially caused the deviant behavior.

nability is the ability for something to be maintained at a certain rate or level, in construction terms it can mean avoiding the depletion of natural resources in order to get environmental balance and to strive for environmental sustainability.

Sustainable construction corporates the design and management of structures. It can be broken down into environmental, social and economic impacts. Sustainable construction needs to be environmentally friendly and should use as many renewable resources as they can, this not only doesn’t deplete resources but also doesn’t have a detrimental effect on the environment. Firms will use lifecycle analysis, this is a method that is used to measure the environmental impact of a construction project throughout is entire lifetime and not just during the building stage; but including extraction of the raw materials, distribution to the construction companies, the cost of running and maintaining the building throughout its lifetime, recycling and then its destruction and disposal. This can also be called Cradle-to-Grave analysis. A lot of the goals that are spearheading the movement for sustainable construction run parallel to the sustainable development goals.

Moving on to the social impact of sustainable construction, we need to create living spaces that improve the quality of life of its occupants and needs to promote the importance of “socially viable living” but also care for the working environment, this means incorporating high safety standards for the general labour force.

Organisations use finance models that help them to gain a higher output with lower input, they can then reinvest what they have earned and progress the business faster, this extra capital can be used to further develop other aspects of the business; such as putting funding towards CSR and EMS which I will get to later on.

Multinational Corporations and Organisations will use management tools to find out various details about certain aspects of a project. This will include SWOT and PESTLE analysis, triple bottom line and sustainability services such as sustainable procurement (Standard ISO20400), a guideline that helps firms to provide sustainable outcomes. Sustainable procurement is ever increasing and the transparency within the industry is also growing, supply chain is generally the largest risk but is also the largest contributor to becoming a much more sustainable business. Supply chain is essentially the network of organisations and resources involved in getting your product to market, in this case it is taking a building from an id

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