Barriers to healthcare professional-patient communication


Write a 1-page reflection on the reading. Then answer these two questions with 300 words each.

1. Describe barriers to healthcare professional-patient communication that impede therapeutic communication and positive patient outcomes.

2. Compare ways to improve the effectiveness of communication with patients.


Sample Solution

Communication is a multi-dimensional, multi-factorial phenomenon and a dynamic, complex process, closely related to the environment in which an individual`s experiences are shared. Since the time of Florence Nightingale in the 19th century until today, specialists and nurses have paid a great deal of attention to communication and interaction in nursing. Communication, as a key element in providing high-quality health care services, leads to patient satisfaction and health. Competing demands, lack of privacy, and background noise are all potential barriers to effective communication between nurses and patients. A patient`s ability to communicate effectively may also be affected by their condition, medication, pain and/or anxiety. Nurses and patients cultural values and beliefs can also lead to misinterpretation or reinterpretation of key messages.

The two investigations above contrast babies brought into the world with toxemia ladies with newborn children brought into the world to normotensive or non-toxemia ladies. A concentrate by Yoon, J. (1980) attempted to research the different result while contrasting ladies and different levels of preeclampsia.16 The review remembered 2105 babies for gestational week 28 to 36. They were isolated into two gatherings: Hypertension infection of pregnancy (HDOP) and non-hypertension illness of pregnancy (non-HDOP). HDOP were additionally isolated into gentle toxemia, serve toxemia, eclampsia and hypertension with and without blood poisoning. The investigation discovered that FLM was expanded in the HDOP bunch as shown by the lower rate of idiopathic respiratory trouble condition (IRDS). Further more it was tracked down that the higher the harmfulness the lower the occurrence of IRDS, for example the occurrence of IRDS were 20% at gentle toxemia, 13% at serve toxemia and 7,1% at eclampsia. However, a higher poisonousness likewise displayed to expand the fetal mortality.

This study did accentuations the hypothesis of toxemia as a defensive component of RDS and that the more serve the toxemia the lower IRDS frequency. Anyway the concentrate likewise observed that the mortality in the two gatherings was not essentially unique.

A conflict towards the issue proclamation seems to win among the examinations broke down in this paper. Anyway a few distinctions among the examinations truly do jump out and may make sense of why various ends happen.

The fleeting angle
While taking a gander at the examinations inspected over a time sensitive relationship is seen among the investigations supporting expanded fetal lung development in toxemia and the examinations that conflict. The investigations found to show expanded FLM are from the 1980’s15,16 while more up to date examinations propose that toxemia either decline FLM or don’t influence it at all5,7-9. This might suggest that reviews are getting better however a few different elements may likewise cause it. The justification for why the frequency of RDS in toxemia was lower in the 1980’s than found in the fresher examinations could be added to the way that further developed clinical science than in the 1980’s out do the positive organic impact toxemia may has on fetal lung development, subsequently covering the added substance changes.5 simultaneously the advancement of neonatal medication and innovation lets more youthful and more modest newborn children survive17 which might add to more and more awful instances of RDS since the occurrence of RDS relies especially upon the gestational age when conveyed.

As a piece of the better neonatal innovation and observing, most toxemia pregnancies get ended preterm.18 When work is demonstrated the versatile component may not achieve levels to influence fetal lung development. As an illustration a concentrate by Lee, J. found that RDS happened in 50,1% of the demonstrated works and just in 38,4% of the unconstrained labors.18

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