Bathroom remodel project


Bathroom Remodel Project The Painted Paradise Resort & Spa takes great pride in its high-quality guest rooms. After management re-viewed guest satisfaction survey results, it was deter-mined that 20 bathrooms need to be updated. To keep the projects on task, you have been asked to create a bathroom remodel template that can be used on all the remodeling projects.


Bathroom remodeling either fills you with thoughts of clean, gleaming white surfaces or a half-assembled disaster. And at some point in every project, maybe both images are true. In any case, the best way to prevent disasters is to think through the project carefully before you break ground (or break tile). Asking yourself some key planning questions will help you define the scope of your project so you know what to expect before you get started. The first question to consider is more or less the big picture; that is, what size of project do you have in mind? Bathroom remodels can be grouped into three basic levels. Once you have settled on a general strategy, consider the timetable for the bathroom remodeling project and decide if this s something you think you want to go through.

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