Beat Poetry

Consider what you have learned about Beat poetry. Write a poem that is at least eight lines long and is in  the Beat style. Refer back to the Beat poems you read in this lesson for examples. Your poem should have
a clear subject and theme and use such Beat styles as free form and irreverence. Your poem should also  address an important societal issue, such as poverty or inequality.

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Why Instagram isn’t So Bad

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influential article sampleIn an existence where computerized items have increasingly more impact on individuals’ day by day lives, certain product and media items unavoidably become the focal point of the open’s consideration. Also, they become a piece of a person’s way of life. Alongside Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which as of now are day by day allies for many individuals, there is one more application that causes discusses and clashing appraisals: Instagram. In spite of the fact that it has numerous adversaries, Instagram is in actuality a valuable program helping individuals build up their inventiveness and find out about culture.

Similarly as with some other advanced item, Instagram can be utilized maladroitly. Billions of exhausting and comparative selfies, little cats, blossoms, “Talk” tennis shoes, and nourishment photographs have become the subject for mock. Be that as it may, what Instagram pundits miss is its utilization among an immense populace of innovative individuals.

For example, numerous celebrated picture takers, whose ability is undisputed, use Instagram to share their photographs taken on their telephones. Such picture takers as Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci), Cory Richards (@coryrichards), Michael O’Neal (@moneal), and Jimmy Chin (@jimmy_chin) are genuine experts. For example, Jimmy Chin and Cory Richards are picture takers for National Geographic. What’s more, there are a lot increasingly proficient picture takers on Instagram. This implies any individual having a cell phone can follow their records, and get day by day top notch pictures. It resembles a direct workshop, direct exercises on photography, and precluding this favorable position from securing Instagram isn’t sensible.

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One of the greatest pluses of Instagram is its versatility. In the 21st century, a cell phone is a thing nearly no one leaves at their home. Considering almost every cell phone has a camera, each time one strolls around the city, one has an instrument to catch the most fascinating and motivating minutes, and what is progressively significant, get passing criticism. “Preferences” are not a really satisfactory appraisal of your inventiveness, yet on the off chance that you are trailed by well known (or skilled) picture takers, and they like your photographs, it tends to be an indication you are moving the correct way.

Instagram has its own focal points for imaginative individuals, yet in addition for organizations. Truth be told, it is an incredible stage for what is called visual showcasing, when you have a capacity to acquaint your items with potential clients legitimately (for example outwardly) in the most appealing way. One can frame an entire feed of advertising pictures, empowering connection and buying (MaximizeSocialBusiness). What’s more, advancing records in Instagram isn’t troublesome, so increasing various devotees and potential clients is certifiably not a serious deal.

Instagram isn’t about preferences, however. There are numerous individuals who post average, or even awful photographs, planning to get more likes; fixation on shooting selfies has formally become a mental issue (CE), and the measure of individuals with terrible preference for photography can be discouraging. Be that as it may, whenever utilized dependably and with a reason, Instagram can be a helpful instrument.

Notwithstanding its disservices, Instagram stays a valuable and fun instrument for both beginner and expert picture takers. It permits average citizens to follow celebrated picture takers and gain from their works. It likewise permits clients to get criticism about their inventiveness. Also, Instagram can be a powerful media stage for organizations, permitting organizations to utilize visual advertising to connect with clients.


Herman, Jenn. “The Benefits of Using Instagram for Business.” Maximize Social Business. N.p., 28 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

Martino, Joe. “Researchers Link Selfies to Narcissism, Addiction and Mental Illness.” CollectiveEvolution. N.p., 07 Apr. 2014. Web. 10 Sept. 2014.

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