Behaviors of an effective leader



You have been working on a busy orthopedic unit for 6 months. The average patient length of stay in the unit is 4 to 7 days. The program from which you have graduated has subsequently graduated a new class, and three of the new graduates are coming to work on your unit. The nurse manager has told you that she is counting on you to âdemonstrate leadership and assist these new nurses to adapt to the work environment.

Based on the behaviors of an effective leader found in this chapter, how will you assist your new colleagues?
1. What are the differences between leadership and followership?
2. Explain the necessity for developing self as an effective follower.
3. Describe a situation in which a person acted as a leader. Explain how you concluded that the person was a leader.
4. Review the different leadership theories discussed in this chapter. Which ones appeal to you as a guide for your future leadership development, and why? Which ones might be more difficult to apply in your life, and why?
5. Have the students identify three goals for the next year that will assist you in becoming a more effective follower.
6. Review with the class the qualities of effective leaders discussed in this chapter.
7. Develop a 1- to 2-year leadership plan applying the qualities of effective leaders.
8. Identify these qualities in leaders that you known. What specific situations have you observed where these leaders have been effective and why?
a) -Identify specific situations.


Sample Solution

Behaviors of an effective leader

What is leadership? The term leadership refers to the act of leading. Every organization or company requires a leader for executing tasks among employees. A leader contributes in leading his team towards a positive direction where they learn the value of hard work, importance of time and establishing goals. The concept of followership took place with leadership simultaneously. A follower is a person who is inspired and influenced by a leader. Without followers, the leaders cannot exist. There are difference between leadership and followership. Leaders show ingenuity, once they have a general grasp for a project they can strategically plan the best way to achieve the final objective. Followers, on the other hand, want direction. They need step by step instruction.



Wear Quixote

Wear Quixote Don Quixote is idiotic from numerous points of view. His discourse was absurd, his thought was pitifully obsolete, and he lost contact with the real world. In any case, the peruser adulated him and he before long discovered that he was the saint of the story. Unimaginably, everything that fooles him expands his valor, telling perusers the starting point of Don Quixote. Simultaneously, his inept character includes a feeling of imaginativeness and virtue, a chivalrous viewpoint. Wear Quixote’s discourse is crazy.

There are fundamentally two various types of Castile in Don Quixote. The old Castile is just Don Quixote, yet the remainder of the characters talk contemporary Spanish. The old Castilla of Don Quixote is an amusing asset – he duplicated the language utilized in his insane knight’s books; commonly he can not fathom him as a result of his language when he spoke It is excessively old. This amusingness impact is currently difficult to peruse, as the peruser must have the option to recognize the two old renditions of the language, yet individuals will turn out to be renowned once the book is distributed. (English interpretation can be acknowledged by letting Don Quixote utilize King James Bible or Shakespeare English, and even Middle English.)

See another book dependent on the soul of Cavaliers – Don Quixote. Wear Quixote was distributed by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. This story records the craving to be a knight – Don Quixote – and his longing for the quest for the knight. His concern is that he has no popular work to begin with. Dissimilar to the legends he read, he doesn’t have a mansion to broaden or a princess to spare. Troy Helen can not protect. I can not attack Troy’s town. So this book wound up turning into a tale about this stupid – wear Quixote – and his deceptive conduct

Subsequent to getting away from the musketeers, Don Quixote and Sancho set out toward a close by lodging. Sancho didn’t trust it, yet Don Quixote again envisioned the inn as a mansion. Wear Quixote was given a bed in the previous straw lodge, Sancho rested on a mat close to the bed; they imparted the space to the donkey. At the point when the night comes, Don Quixote envisions Helen Hotel’s worker as an excellent princess, sitting in bed and terrifying her. Seeing what occurred, the scorpion assaulted Don Quixote and broke the delicate bed, and Don Quixote and Sancho endured again genuine and disordered fight. All the clarification of Don Quixote is that they battle an appealing Moore. He likewise accepts he can recuperate their injuries with a blend he calls “fire mortar”. Wear Quixote and Sancho chose to leave the lodging, yet Ji Yude mimicking an anecdotal knight left and paid no cash.








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