CASE DISCUSSION: Questions for Consideration
Read the case and answer the following questions.
Bella Springs
1. Conduct an analysis of the external environment and the drinking water industry in Ghana.
2. What are Bella Springs’ sustainable competitive advantages?
3. What risks are inherent in the business?
4. What is the current capacity of the water filtration system?
5. At the current production rates, when will the company break even and be able to pay off its
large upfront investments?
6. Should Bella Springs expand? If so, when and how?
are willing to associate with. They will choose those who inspire them in a way, those who are simply interesting to work with in life. A lot more can be attained by letting this network to develop by its own, with a solid vision to lead them (Hamel, 2016). The 7th reality states that Resources get attracted, not allocated. The story of a team that is self-defining is that participation in it has to be opt-in and not one should be forced at all; this gets the teams tougher and the selected leaders of the teams more accomplished.
The article also adds several realities; Power comes from sharing information, not hoarding it. This is vital at all business levels. The company has to conduct an open books rule on finances, tactic, as well as organization. Hamel, has the idea that Generation Facebook are used to sharing all about their lives with every Web person and it is not something which stops at work(2016). As a way of making better decisions, the Facebook generation makes use of their networks and comprehensive networks. The companies which are smart to see this will couple up this power on the inside and witness a real performance change. (Hamel, 2016).
Users can veto most policy decisions. A part of Servant Leadership ethos is making sure that the workers have all they require to work well enough. The overall idea of all this is making sure that they have the permission to suggest the direction they are willing to head to. Intrinsic rewards matter most. Individuals want to do a good job and get a recognition for it. Generation Facebook not only want to be good, but also be included in something bigger. It’s more sign