Bernice McFadden uses fiction to explore many ideas


Bernice McFadden uses fiction to explore many ideas. One of the ideas explored in “Sugar” is the idea of intergenerational trauma. Please write a paper discussing how the past traumas of the Laceys as well as Shirley Brown, Ciel Brown and Bertie Mae Brown shaped Sugar’s personality. How do these traumas shape her view of love, family and trust? Your paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font. No outside sources. Your papers are due on Thursday, November 10th by 11:59 PM. Please email your paper. I prefer a Word Doc, but Google Doc or PDF is also fine. If you chose the latter options then your paper must be made editable by me. Please remeber to put your name and page numbers on your paper.

Make sure you are responding directly to the prompt given. The Sugar novel is a tragedy written to explore the hardships faced by black women in the south prior to the Civil Rights Movement. Unlike their white counterparts, these women received no protection under law. They were often abused both in their own homes and neighborhoods, as well as their places of employment. The paper is about how these abuses affected Sugar’s personality. The paper is not about judging Sugar or any of these other women for the circumstances of their lives or the choices they made.



Sample Solution

lness with heterogeneous foundational side effects; thusly, the world has gone into lockdown as a social separating measure to control the spread of the infection. Nonetheless, one can’t excuse the antagonistic impacts of this pandemic, as it impacted us intellectually and actually, even as the world is gradually returning to ordinary. The point of the report is to state widely the effects of the pandemic on human mental working in kids.

Jean Piaget (1952) spearheaded the hypothesis of mental improvement by which he proposed that insight changes with the development of the youngster, as the kid, get information as well as makes mental portrayals of the world, which are called mappings. Piaget presented four progressive phases, the sensorimotor stage which happens from birth to the age of two years (object lastingness, memory is created by and by), the preoperational stage which occurs between the ages of two to seven (language use develops, memory and creative mind are created), the substantial functional which occurs from ages seven to eleven (consistent reasoning/critical thinking), and the proper activity stage (unique reasoning) that occurs from age 12 or more.

One more supporter of the hypothesis of mental improvement was Lev Vygotsky (1978), who contended that mental capacities are socially directed and developed. Culture, accordingly, intervenes the arrangement and advancement of unmistakable capacities like learning, memory, critical thinking, and consideration.

Pertinent Mental Cycle in Youngsters.
A portion of the significant mental cycles that are to be created in youngsters are consideration, memory, critical thinking, and learning. These cycles or abilities are significant for the empowering of handling tactile data and learning assessment ways of assessing, dissect, review, make examinations, and grasp circumstances and logical results. As indicated by Vygotsky, two other significant mental abilities are play and language.

Consideration is the capacity to control restricted computational assets. William James states “it is the belonging by the brain, in clear, and distinctive structure, of one out of what appears to be a few simu

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