What is the best way to reduce multimorbidity incidence and prevalence in black and Latino populations in the US?
Best way to reduce multimorbidity incidence and prevalence in black
The health disparities across ethnic or racial groups can be attributed to the social, economic, environmental or geographic disadvantage to some groups in addition to the characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion. In this paper, we study health disparities by identifying the networks of multimorbidities among individuals from population groups based on race, including the Black and the Latinos. Elimination of racial disparities is a critical goal of public health systems. The Healthy People is an initiative that includes 10-year objectives for the health of the nation. The goals of Healthy People continue to emphasize a commitment on the elimination of health disparities: Healthy People 2020, the goal is to create systems of health equity. Moreover, the American Public Health Association continues to advocate for health equity through conference themes.
n to cognitive processes of mental functions which are perceptive (how we get to be aware of things) and judging (how we decide about things). The first is also associated with sensing and intuition while the second has to do with thinking and feeling. He posits that there is an introverted and extroverted side to each individual which brings about eight mental functions that people use to cope with life, although one is most relied on in such a way that defines the personality of the person.
Furthermore, according to Eric Fromm (1900-1980), temperament has to do with emotional disposition which is innate, while character has to do one’s ethics and morals which leads to character development. He used the same term of temperament as both Galen and Avicenna and agreed with Kant on the features associated with each. In addition to all of that, he goes further to describe six dominant characters in the modern society which he states as Receptive, Exploitative, Hoarding, Marketing, Necrophilous, and Pathological. He concludes by identifying the positive one as productive.
David Keirsey (1921-2014) is one of the direct contributors to the development of personality dimensions. He says human personality can be classified into four types, this due partly to inspiration he had from most of the scholars already mentioned above. The four temperaments which according to him exist in human beings are Artisans, Guardians, Rationales, and Idealists.
DISC is a theory from William Moulton Marston, a Psychologist; it is a theory that focuses on traits. People who are grouped into ‘D’ are outgoing and task-oriented, they show dominant and direct behaviors, people who are grouped into ‘I’ are outgoing, people-oriented, and they show inspiring and interactive traits. For people grouped into ‘S’, they are reserved, people-oriented, and supportive with steady behavior. Lastly, people who are put in ‘C’ category are reserved, task-oriented, and cautious. However, every person shows all or some of these behaviors depending on the situation.
Having talked briefly about these temperament theories, as stated earlier, this study focuses on Galen’s theory on temperament. Of course, the theory in itself is not totally complete as temperament is quite a complex area of research, but nonetheless, most researchers still refer to his terms and features, even if with tweaks and adjustments, and hold his theory in high regard.
Similarly, there is a need to understand the reason behind the variation in the perf