This activity bridges scriptural literature and affirms spiritual formation, consistency, and relevance in the life of the believer. As Christians, we have an initial encounter with Christ where we ask Him to forgive our sins; but there is also a process of spiritual growth facilitated by the study of God’s Word. In this encounter He uses both the Old and New Testaments to shape, form, and mold us into His likeness and to equip us for service through the disciplined study of Scripture.
Create a concept map to identify the connection of the Old and New Testaments by doing the following:
Select an appropriate concept-mapping tool of your choice.
You may also hand draw this timeline. If you do, you must scan it for submission, which can be done through a variety of free apps available on smart devices.
Once you have selected how you will develop the timeline, follow the directions below:
List the name of each of the 66 books of the Bible in your chosen diagram format.
Briefly list the theme of each of the 66 books of the Bible in your chosen diagram format.
Connect each book with all the other book/s that have a similar/same theme or message.
Together the Old Testament and the New Testament make up the Holy Bible. The Old Testament contains the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, while Christianity draws on both Old and New Testaments, interpreting the New Testament as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Old. Concept maps are visual representations of information. They can take the form of charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept maps are especially useful for students who learn better visually, although they can benefit any type of learner. Most concept maps depict ideas as boxes or circles (also called nodes), which are structured hierarchically and connected with lines or arrows (also called arcs).
Reason versus Confidence in Don Quixote
All through the novel, Don Quixote experienced many diversion in his rough experience and his deceptions and attempted to persuade Gideon of the quest for his inept character. One of the reasonable highlights is Dr. Carrasco who clarified “There is no goliath, no knight, no knight, no 300-year knight.” Ji Jude answered, foe! “This fleeting correspondence mirrors the genuine showdown of the novel, the explanation and the confidence.
In any case, Don Quixote is over it. This is a book about books, perusing, composing, vision and realism, crude … what’s more, demise. Wear Quixote is irate. In view of his perusing that “his mind has run out,” he can not separate reality from fiction. In any case, Cervantes is additionally investigating the unceasing discussion between through and through freedom and fate, utilizing Don Quijote’s frenzy. The misinformed legend is really an individual who goes up against his breaking point and turns into a visionary.
The sky is the limit, everybody has questions … In the realm of new analysis, Don Quixote is the knight of confidence. This thought originates from his perusing, his perusing is insane … he is not, at this point a peruser of a knight novel, he is a great experience entertainer of his own … … we are I can not understand it and I can not see it, we never recognize what this thoughtful respectable man put on his head: the unbelievable rudder of Mambrino, or a profane stylist … he Knowing what he expounded on his life in an imaginary experience … to scorn Don Quixote, the world concealed himself with the fixation of Don Quixote. Be that as it may, would someone be able to claim to be more regrettable than me? Are our cover uncovering our existence in a certifiable manner than our every day life? Words resemble air: they have a place with everybody or not to anybody … (Carlos Fuentes, 1-27)
See another book dependent on the soul of Cavaliers – Don Quixote. Wear Quixote was distributed by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. This story records the craving to be a knight – Don Quixote – and his longing for the quest for the knight. His concern is that he has no well known work to begin with. Not at all like the fables he read, he doesn’t have a mansion to develop or a princess to spare. Troy Helen can not protect. I can not attack Troy’s town. So this book wound up turning into an anecdote about this silly – wear Quixote – and his deceptive conduct