How has your definition of diversity changed?
How do the four lenses approach the study of diversity with respect to the individual and society?
How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing diversity?
What are the implications of diversity on the future?
How are you going to implement what you have learned in this course into your own life?
The number of factors that define diversity is truly unlimited. Throughout an individual’s life, the unique biological and genetic predispositions, experiences and education alter who they are as a person. These nature versus nurture interactions are what diversify and evolve the human race, allowing individuals to connect and learn from each other.While such idiosyncrasies are infinite, there are a number of factors commonly discussed, considered and tracked. If you’re looking to better understand the topic of diversity, you should know the following individual differences that are commonly considered when discussing diversity in the workplace.
Also, via expanding globally (i.e. the development of multinational companies) , the size of the market greatly increases. For example, if 1 out of 6 UK citizens are interested in an X product, it is obvious that respectively, more citizens in the world’s market will be interested in the same product. Therefore, becoming “multinational” not only contributes in the augment of the firms’ profits and gives exposure to more markets but also adds more costumers to the company’s potential database. Moreover, expanding a company’s market, helps increase the world’s GDP, something that constitutes a crucial factor in the outcome of the world’s economy.
Furthermore, as the market is becoming more global-especially through internet- it is a case of “multinational to survive”. More specifically, various companies use the Internet, the greatest innovation of our times, in order to advertise and sell their products. In that way, competition for small companies/firms increases by a high rate, putting companies that use the Internet in advanced position compared that tend to not use it.
Hence, the amount of companies that use the Internet in order to sell their products rapidly increases, making the market global, interconnecting several countries’ market and leading to the boost of multinational corporations.
Moreover, another important factor for firms to develop into multinational companies is cheap labour and cheaper raw materials in several countries abroad. These two factors have a great impact on a company’s profits since they reduce unit costs and hence increase the final profit. Therefore, a firm developing into a multinational company