Blockchain Revolution

n Chapter 8 of Blockchain Revolution, Tapscott & Tapscott (2019) discuss potential adoption and utilization of blockchain by government bodies and agencies. The assignment this week will be to complete a Journal entry. A Journal is similar to a diary or a log as it records the detailed accounts, thoughts, experiences, etc. of the writer. This is not a research paper or an initial post for a Discussion Forum. For this assignment you will record a Journal entry that will cover the topics provided below. Each of these questions/topics should cover your own understanding of the course reading material. Each of the section should reflect a substantive paragraph thoroughly covering the questions/topics. The purpose of this assignment is to record your own thoughts on these questions and topics; not to repeat the information provided within the course reading material. Therefore, APA citations and referencing is not needed but information from the course material should have some recognition such as “According to Tapscott & Tapscott.. or …“as mentioned in Blockchain Revolution”. Keep your entries single spaced. Indent each paragraph. The assignment is looking for your thoughts based on the weekly reading and a quick internet search. The topics for the Journal entry this week:

In your own words, explain one of the ways that blockchain can be utilized by a government body as presented in Blockchain Revolution.
Complete a quick internet search and identify how a government has adopted blockchain and what was the purpose of this adoption.
Provide your own thought on how a government body (city, county, state, nation) could utilize blockchain. Why should they adopt for this specific process and what are the benefits? Are there any drawbacks?
Remember to provide a substantive paragraph for each of these questions/topics utilizing the information you learned in the weekly reading and covering the topic/question fully. See rubric for grading components.

Sample Solution

One of the ways that blockchain can be utilized by a government body, as presented in Blockchain Revolution, is through digital voting. Digital voting via blockchain offers the potential to revolutionize how elections are conducted and ensure greater transparency and accuracy (Tapscott & Tapscott 2016). By providing a secure platform on which votes can be cast, it prevents tampering or manipulation of results while also eliminating any concerns over voter fraud. Furthermore, it reduces costs associated with manual counting of paper ballots and speeds up the entire voting process significantly (Hurst et al 2018).

At its core, digital voting via blockchain works similarly to other cryptographic systems in that it uses cryptographic hashes to identify each vote – meaning only those registered for an election are able to access their ballot. This ensures anonymity and security for all participants as well as complete transparency since every transaction is recorded on a public ledger that anyone can view (Hurst et al 2018). In addition, since this data is stored on multiple nodes rather than just one central server there is no risk of malicious cyber attacks corrupting results like what happened during 2016 US Presidential Election when hackers infiltrated Democratic National Committee’s system (Tapscott & Tapscott 2016).

In conclusion, utilizing blockchain technology for digital voting presents numerous advantages both in terms of cost savings and increased security measures compared traditional methods such as manual paper ballots. It also opens doors for governments around world not just participate more secure digital elections but do so with greater ease thanks implementation decentralized ledger architecture.

At last, jus post bellum proposes that the moves we ought to initiate after a conflict (Frowe (2010), Page 208). First and foremost, Vittola contends after a conflict, it is the obligation of the pioneer to judge how to manage the foe (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332).. Once more, proportionality is stressed. For instance, the Versailles arrangement forced after WWI is tentatively excessively cruel, as it was not all Germany’s problem for the conflict. This is upheld by Frowe, who communicates two perspectives in jus post bellum: Moderation and Maximalism, which are very varying perspectives. Minimalists recommend a more merciful methodology while maximalist, supporting the above model, gives a crueler methodology, rebuffing the foe both monetarily and strategically (Frowe (2010), Page 208). At the last example, notwithstanding, the point of war is to lay out harmony security, so whatever should be done can be ethically legitimate, assuming it keeps the guidelines of jus promotion bellum. All in all, simply war hypothesis is entirely contestable and can contend in various ways. Be that as it may, the foundation of a fair harmony is urgent, making all war type circumstance to have various approaches to drawing closer (Frowe (2010), Page 227). By and by, the simply war hypothesis contains jus promotion bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum, and it very well may be either ethically disputable or reasonable relying upon the proportionality of the situation. Subsequently, there can’t be one conclusive hypothesis of the simply war yet just a hypothetical manual for show how wars ought to be battled, showing normativity in its record, which responds to the inquiry to what a conflict hypothesis is.

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