Book Analysis

1) Book Class

Write a class named Book that has fields to hold the following data:

• Title

• Author

• Year published

• ISBN number

In the Book class, also include

• A mutator method for each field to set the value for the field

• An accessor method for each field to get the value for the field

Write a separate demo program that Utilizies the class by creating three instances of the class.

2) ShoppingCartItem class

Write a class named ShoppingCartItem that has fields to hold the following data:

• Name

• ID number

• Quantity

• Price

In the ShoppingCartItem class, also include

• A constructor that accepts arguments for the name and ID number and assigns them to their respective fields. Initialize the quantity and price fields as well.

• A mutator method for each field to set the value for the field

• An accessor method for each field to get the value for the field

• A method that returns the total price of the item calculated as quantity times price

Write a separate demo program that Utilizies the class bycreating a ShoppingCartItem object and asking the user to enter the data for each of the object’s fields.

The program should display the total price at the end with a label.

3) GroceryItem Class

Write a class named GroceryItem that holds data on an item in a grocery store. Include the following fields:

• description – a String that holds the description of the item

• brand – a String that holds the brand of the item

• inventory – an int that holds the number of units in the inventory

• price – a double that holds the item’s price

Also implement:

• A constructor that accepts an argument for each field and assigns them to their respective fields

• A default constructor that set the description to an empty string ( “” ), inventory to 0, and price to 0.0

• A mutator method for each field to set the value for the field

• An accessor method for each field to get the value for the field

Once the class is complete, Write a separate demo program that utilizes the GroceryItem class.

The program should create two GroceryItem objects with the following data:




Item #1




Item #2




Be sure to:

Create one GroceryItem object using the constructor

Create the another GroceryItem object using the default constructor and mutator methods

4) Student Class

Write a class called Student to hold data on a student. Include the following fields:

• name – a string that holds the student’s name

• idNumber – an int that holds the student’s ID number

• major – a string that holds the name of the student’s major

• classification – a string that holds the classification of the student. (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)

Include the following in the Student class:

• A constructor that accepts arguments for each field and assigns them to their respective fields

• A constructor that accepts only the name and ID number and assigns them to their respective fields. Major and classification should be set to an empty string ( “” )

• A default constructor that assigns empty strings ( “” ) to the string fields and 0 to the idNumber field.

• A mutator method for each field to set the value for the field

• An accessor method for each field to get the value for the field

Write a separate demo program that creates three student objects with the following data:


ID Number



George Smith




Sam Davis




Sarah Brown




The program should also:

• Utilize each constructor in the class

• Print the data for each student to the screen with labels.

5) Write a java program that use the ArrayList command

The program should initially create a list of 10 countries that you would like to visit. DO NOT include Russia or Peru in your initial list as you will be using them later in the exercise.

Have the program retrieve the 10 names and print them to the screen using println.

The program should then retrieve and print only what is stored at index 4.

The program should then remove what is stored at index 9.

The program should then Add Russia at index 2.

The program should then Replace what is stored at index 7 with Peru.

The program should then print the size of the ArrayList

The program should then print all of the items in the ArrayList and their index

Using println

6) Write a java program that use multiple arrays

This is a simple array program which does not use an “external class & demo program”

If you wish, you may break it down into methods, but that is not required.

a. Set up 4 arrays which hold data about 6 items you want to sell: [make them up]

int[ ] itemnum

int[ ] quantity

double[ ] price

double[ ] sales

b. Set up loops to load the itemnum, quantity and price arrays

c. Set up another loop to calculate values for the sales array. [= price * quantity]

d. Set up another loop to print the item number and sales amount for each transaction

. e. Set up another loop to calculate the total sales of all 6 items

f. print the total sales amount

All together for the marking to work adequately, they have to some degree influence the band. A model is showcase exchange gear close by the utilization of substantial hardware; normally utilized by individuals who work exchanges. Groups that discharge new items/stock that stray excessively far from the first thought hazard losing cash for the time being and furthermore chance for all time discoloring/harming the brands picture. The danger of losing the possibility of the brand can be lost through befuddling discharges that can send an inappropriate message about the first brand. It tends to be said that stalwart aficionados of any band will purchase whatever groups put their name as well yet AC/DC fans make it simple for these sorts of things to be sold. With wine being the model utilized previously, the band has history as far as discharging things that have nothing to do with the band itself. As said previously, it doesn’t make a difference if these are properly valued, there are consistently fans who need the things that are being sold. Air conditioning/DC possess their own site that you can purchase a few bits of the groups merchandise; with band data, ticket data and so on all being shown here by means of the tabs you can tap on. This site is likewise genuinely simple to explore so it makes it simpler the entrance these things as they are just a couple of snaps away.

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