Both quantity and quality are important considerations in messaging

Both quantity and quality are important considerations when posting substantive messages. For example, “I agree” or “I see your point” are not considered quality participation because neither add substance to the discussion. Effective responses might share personal experience, ask for clarification, or add additional information, so feel free to analyze, interpret, critique, and suggest. At least 150 words. Be sure to include cited works.

Topic 6 Discussion Question 1
Effective SIOP teachers provide scaffolding for their students to acquire academic success. Select a content subject and a topic you will teach to students who are English language learners. List and describe the type of scaffolds that you must put in place for your students to achieve their content and language objectives.

Topic 6 Discussion Question 2
Select a content subject and a topic that you are teaching to English language learners. List and describe three different grouping configurations that could be used for teaching and learning this new concept. What would you expect the students to do in each of the three different group configurations?

Topic 6 Resources

Watch “Component 3: Comprehensible Input,” located on YouTube.


Watch “Component 4: Strategies,” located on YouTube.


Watch “Component 5: Interaction,” located on YouTube.


Read chapters 4, 5, and 6 in Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners.


Topic 7 Discussion Question 1
How do state ELL proficiency tests, such as the AZELLA (AZ) or the WIDA (other states), guide data-informed decision making? How do these test results affect lesson planning?

Topic 7 Discussion Question 2
When assessing ELLs, teachers must use a variety of assessments in order to get the most accurate snapshot of academic and language progress. What are some ways teachers can assess students in the classroom to include all four domains of language (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)?

Topic 7 Resources

Explore “Assessment Training Institute (ATI),” located on the Pearson website.


Review the “K-12 Academic Standards,” located on the Arizona Department of Education website. In addition, review the Department of Education website in your practicum area.


Explore the resources located on the WIDA website.


Read “Using Informal Assessments for English Language Learners,” from Colorín Colorado (2007).


Read chapter 10 in Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners.


Topic 8 Discussion Question 1
With any type of new learning, students need practice and application of newly acquired skills to ensure mastery of content concepts. Can you list and describe two hands-on activities and identify materials, including manipulative, to enable students to forge connections between abstract concepts and concrete concepts in a less language-dependent way?

Topic 8 Discussion Question 2
How would you respond to a teacher who says: “Well, if I follow the SIOP Model and make sure my English learners are able to access content using these activities, techniques, and approaches, my on-level kids and native English speakers will be bored.”

Topic 8 Resources

Review “English Language Arts Standards,” located on the Arizona Department of Education website.


Read chapters 7, 8, and 9 in Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners.


Watch “Component 7: Lesson Delivery,” located on YouTube.


Watch “Component 6: Practice and Application,” located on YouTube.


Explore the resources in “SIOP Lesson Plans and Activities,” located on the Center for Applied Linguistics website. In particular, review the sample lesson plans for your grade level of interest.


Review the Common Standards for Math and English Language Arts, located on the Common Core Standards website.


Read “How to Read the Standards,” on the Common Core State Standards Initiative website.


Watch “Component 8: Review and Assessment,” located on YouTube.


Sample Solution

Ostensibly, Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Rabindranath Tagore’s The Home and The World are two texts that are disparate in form and subject matter, each dealing with the consequences of a rapidly changing world in different ways. However, both texts share a concern with exploring the diametric relationship between the home and the outside world. This piece aims to demonstrate how the distance between the two spaces is gradually corroded by the influence of external forces. In order to achieve this, there will first be a focus on the initial harmony of the household in each text. By comparing both Bimala and Nora’s domestic spaces it will be emphasised that Ibsen’s doll house, unlike Bimala’s marital home, bears the marks of capitalism and financial consciousness from the outset. The discussion will then branch towards exploring the roles of Sandip and Krogstad as invasive forces that corrupt the interior of the household by introducing foreign ideas and concepts to both women. This segment will focus specifically on the ideological corruption levelled at Bimala, and the introduction of capitalist ideals that reduce Nora’s private household to a public spectacle. At this point, the essay will turn towards assessing Nora and Bimala’s situations at the end of each text. It will reveal that they are dislodged from the

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