Brain Analysis



First, access the photos under this link: (Links to an external site.)


In the early 1990s, after hearing a story about Madonna’s “Material Girl” promotion, photo journalist Peter Menzel decided that the world needed a reality check. After traveling the world for nearly a quarter century taking photographs and writing articles of dramatic events for newspapers and magazines, Menzel wanted to bring to light the everyday lives of average people around the world. What better way to contrast the materialistic fantasy of American pop-culture than to find statistically average families, and show what real life is like through their material possessions? Some of the results of Menzel’s project can also be found on these links: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

If the links above are not active, then Google for active links using these key words: “Peter Menzel Material World – A Global Family Portrait”. You should see 12 families around the world in front of their dwellings with all (or nearly all) of their possessions. Demographers at the United Nations and World Bank helped determine the criteria for average families according to location (urban, rural, suburban, small town, or village), type of dwelling, family size, annual income, occupation, and religion. In this activity you will explore the material world by examining different locations around the world and consider how differences in economic growth have resulted in drastically different standards of living.


Then answer these questions: What did you learn from considering the photos in Material World: A Global Family Portrait? Have differences in economic growth created disparities in the standard of living around the world? How important is economic growth?



Sample Solution

This document provides an overview of the operational requirements in terms of fire safety. It details many perceived fire safety hazards across the venue through its various phases including build up; the event and de-rig which focuses on and is relevant to all visitors to the site including staff, contractors and the general public. Discussion: This document provides the venue, event manager and all other key stakeholders with a tool to analyse potential hazards to personnel from a fire safety point of view. It enables the level of perceived risk to be calculated alongside the likelihood of occurrence that can then be used to ascertain overall risk. This used effectively allows the event manager to formulate methods to reduce or remove the risk of injury from a potential hazard. Once a reduction method is in place the risk factor is recalculated providing an amended indicator. This action allows demonstration of ongoing work to mitigate risk to personal on site that is often focused upon by key stakeholders. This tool is highly useful in terms of providing a safe environment and complying with current relevant legislation. Live 8 Event Safety Plan Description: This document provides the information and documentation pertaining to the entire event, it includes detailed guidance and procedure for all elements of the event including the build and de-rig phases. The document explains in detail the fundamental elements required for the event to operate safely, successfully and in line with legislation. Discussion:

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