Bristol in the BBC documentary series Drugsland

Assess the representation of Bristol in the BBC documentary series Drugsland, paying close attention to the stylistic choices made in this film. What picture of Bristol does the documentary present to audiences and how is this achieved by the filmmakers?

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Bristol in the BBC documentary series Drugsland

Drugsland documentary tells the story of what drugs do to individuals and communities from many points of view, and is filmed entirely in Bristol. Drugsland goes deep into the worlds of the users, abusers and dealers. We see in shocking and personal detail the impact of drugs in Bristol, as we follow the professionals those whose job is to tackle them. Drugsland looks at addiction, dealing, treatment and policing of illegal drugs in Bristol, and focuses on an area of Ms Debbonaire`s constituency. Programme-makers were given unprecedented access to the officers and the charities trying to break the cycle of drugs and crime. The documentary series shows the catastrophic impact of drugs and drug laws, not just on users but on police and innocent bystanders.

It is likely that P met the basic requirements in 2006 which is when adverse possession would begin. As this occurred after the Land Registration Act (LRA) 2002, there is a possibility that Eustace Lodge was registered because England and Wales was subject to compulsory registration in December 1990 and being a government body, Buckfordshire County Council may have adhered to this. However, there is also a chance of the property being unregistered because it is not expressed within the scenario and after 1990 not all property was registered.
The rules for both types of land differ as they are governed by the LRA 2002 for registered land after and the Limitations Act (LA) 1980 for unregistered land. If the land is registered, P must apply to the Land Registration Act (2002) in order to be registered as the new legal owner. This Act requires the claimant to make the application after 10 years of adverse possession therefore as P has been possession of the land for 14 years (assuming real time) then he is eligible to make an application. It is possible that in this case adverse possession may be terminated by virtue of the council taking legal action by taking him to court.

If P has an arguable case to be registered, then BCC, as the current paper title owner, would be notified of the application by the Registrar.
However, if the land is unregistered, P would acquire the title after 12 years have elapsed and there would be no obligation to notify the paper title owner. BCC’s title would be distinguished, and they would be unable to challenge this action.


It has become more difficult to acquire land through adverse possession especially when land is registered. In the case above, it is likely that P would be granted possessory rights over Euston Lodge after showing that he had factual possession and an intention to possess the land without consent of BCC, as well as passing of sufficient time without a break.

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