



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc7_VyVXDLs – answer the following two questions based on video

What did you learn about the Buddha or Buddhism that you didn’t already know?
How might knowing more about the Buddha’s life help you better understand Buddhist art and architecture?

Answer questions based on videos

What is the “medium” or materials used to create Tiravanija’s artworks?
What seems to be the purpose or intention of his artwork?
What kinds of questions would you like to ask the artist about his work, if you had the chance?


Sample Solution

Buddhism originated from around 400BC with the historical individual known as the Buddha. The first mention of the Buddha in Western writing is in the writings of Clement of Alexandria, 2 AD. The Buddha founded an order of monks and nuns known as the Sangha who have preserved his teachings down to the present day. Because of its emphasis on meditation and mindfulness, Buddhism is often considered to be a form of psychology rather than a religion. Many traditional Buddhists believe in reincarnation and rebirth. Modern Buddhists believe this idea can be jettisoned without losing any central value.

Interpretation in history is the act of describing, analyzing, evaluating, and creating an explanation for previous events. It heavily relies on primary and secondary sources to form its base. The historian must analyze his sources to create a dynamic pattern of pictures that reflects the shape of the historical event. A good history interpretation is not measured by the ability of the historian to include all the facts into his narrative but rather the ability of him to fill in the gap of his sources with inference or speculation. Once the history is interpreted, the historian’s explanation will be evaluated whether it is objective or subjective that aligns with reality. A prominent example of this is the history of prehistoric society. One of the primary sources of this is the cave drawing of Lascaux cave that shows a vivid illustration of various animals such as horses and bison. Based on this painting, many historians and researchers have drawn different historical interpretations of it. The common would be that this painting symbolizes the lifestyles of the previous human species that depend on hunting and serve as the ceremonial purpose of a successful hunt. Other than that, a German researcher, Dr. Michael Rappengluck interpreted this painting as the representation of a historical star map. He explained that the drawing of a bird, a birdman, and a bull is the symbolism of the stars Altair, Deneb, and Vega. We may see that both interpretations are based on the same subject but have a different outcome. In this manner, we can not say that either one of them has a bad interpretation because both are aligned with reality and therefore shows the use of inferences and speculations making both of them a good interpretation.

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