Budget And Timeline



Budgeting and developing a timeline are important steps in public health program planning. If a budget is properly developed it provides a solid foundation for guiding the implementation of the program as well as sustaining it. A timeline is also essential as it provides program planners a guide to use when determining the progress of a program.

For your Course Project this week, you are given $200,000 to fund your program for one year. You will prepare a budget for your program, considering the resources that you need and how you would allocate funds. Some allocation of funds may include marketing DVDs, time for personnel to hold meetings, electricity, and cleaning services for the office space. For your budget, you do not need to include more complex allocations such as employee salaries, fringe benefits, overhead, phones, etc. Also, you should assume you have some in-kind support to use in your project. In-kind support is any resource you do not have to pay for such as free printing of educational brochures or free telephone services. In addition to your budget, you create a basic Gantt or PERT chart to present your timeline.


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exposition on facebook friendshipThe Internet these days assumes a critical job in individuals’ professions, connections, and different circles of life. Since it began to pick up ubiquity in the mid 1990s, it has transformed into a worldwide system, associating any person who can manage the cost of having a PC to the remainder of the world.

Bit by bit, administrations permitting to make new companions and to keep in contact with previously obtained companions began to show up, and today billions of individuals utilize different interpersonal organizations, of which the biggest is Facebook. These informal organizations despite everything stay a discussed wonder, just as the outcomes they lead to and the manner in which they have changed social orders. Furthermore, maybe, one of the weirdest (at any rate to me) marvels associated with them is Facebook companionship.

A Facebook kinship is adding an individual to your rundown of companions. As I would like to think, this is a sensible activity with individuals whom you care about, or whom you keep up a relationship with. Genuine companions, guardians, your beloved(s), partners with whom you spend time with after work, individuals whom you have warmed up to while voyaging, etc, should be available in any Facebook companion list.

Be that as it may, in reality, individuals include new individuals whom they have never met or known. Regardless of whether they have never traded words, they despite everything keep each other in their companion records. Or on the other hand another model is when associates who work in a similar office include one another, yet don’t speak with one another in Facebook or even in the workplace. Or on the other hand when irregular individuals who have (under certain conditions) conveyed for a few minutes, at that point add each other to their companion records. At times individuals even add different clients to their companion records for a demonstration of amount—maybe, it is intended to show how friendly they are. These, just as numerous other comparable cases, I don’t comprehend, and this is one reason why I have stopped utilizing informal organizations about a year back.

Companion records can be a wellspring of different aggravations. For instance, individuals some of the time are reluctant to erase such arbitrary “companions” from their rundowns, due to expecting an issues associated with this demonstration—managing someone’s feelings, for instance, or clarifying their reasons. Or maybe regularly, erasing individuals from Facebook companions should show the pace of dissatisfaction or outrage caused to a client by the erased individuals. Simultaneously, genuine correspondence frequently proceeds as though nothing spe



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