Choose a state agency, county, or municipal emergency management budget to analyze ( NJ
Gloucester County Office of Emergency Management) and provide a report. You will need to provide me with
the agency you choose (NJ Gloucester County Office of Emergency Management), contact information
(Dennis P. McNulty, Coordinator
Emergency Management Office Gloucester County Department of Emergency Response 856-307-7100).
You are strongly advised to do a little research on your chosen jurisdiction first and determine whether the
appropriate parts of the budget have been posted for public review. You will be looking for a budget that has
narrative explanations as well as spreadsheets, and hopefully fuller descriptions of local demographics and
economy. For the mid-term, you will submit a proposal for your final assignment. This proposal is what you will
build upon for your final assignment. The proposal should include the following elements:-Introduction-The
jurisdiction or organization you have chosen to analyze their budget background. -The name of the person you
have been in contact with, including their contact information, their role within the organization/jurisdiction, and
any other information that you find beneficial.-At this point, you should have your interview concluded, so
provide some key information form the interview, include the date and time of your interview (2-4-2021 at 2 PM,
at 1200 N Delsea Dr. Clayton NJ 08312)
. -Conclusion paragraph.
This is all I could find for budget information.
When I spoke with Mr. McNutly, he had told me a large amount of their budget goes to funding the county
EMS. He informed me that a majority of funds go to staffing, day to day operations, technology, and
Communication equipment such as radios and the CAD system.
Most of the revenue is tax based, some small parts are grants such as the EMAA grant. We also talked about
federal reimbursement for emergencies/disasters, such as super storm sandy where they received 90% back
and only had to cover 10%. We also talked about the COVID-19 response and how the government is
supposed to reimburse 100%. In addition we spoke about the mega vaccination site at Rowan College of
South Jersey in Gloucester County.
Please let me know if you have any questions, this is the 2021 budget for the county it has the numbers in order provide a
review, but keep in mind we only care about the numbers dealing with Emergency management/Homeland
security. If you are able to find the budget that solely deals with Office of Emergency management that would
be great.
This is also the 2020 budget for the whole county