Building a Health History With Cultural and Diversity Awareness


Include the following:
• Explain the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you were assigned. Be specific.
• Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why.
• Describe the communication techniques you would use with this patient. Include strategies to demonstrate sensitivity with this patient. Be specific and explain why you would use these techniques.
• Summarize the health history interview you would conduct with this patient. Provide at least five (5) targeted questions you would ask the patient to build their health history and to assess their health risks. Explain your reasoning for each question and how you frame each for this specific patient.
• Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and then justify why it would be applicable to your assigned patient. Be specific.


Sample Solution

Assigned Patient: 75-year-old Hispanic Male with Diabetes

Socioeconomic Factors:

  • Limited English Proficiency: May struggle with understanding medical information and instructions.
  • Low Income: Might face challenges affording medications or healthy foods.
  • Lack of Transportation: May have difficulty attending follow-up appointments.

Spiritual Factors:

  • Catholic Religion: Beliefs about health and illness may be influenced by faith.
  • Importance of Family: Family support might be crucial for adherence to treatment plans.

Lifestyle Factors:

  • Diet: High intake of carbohydrates may worsen diabetes management.
  • Physical Activity: Limited mobility can increase risk of complications.
  • Stress Level: Stress can affect blood sugar control.

Cultural Factors:

  • Traditional Remedies: May use herbal remedies alongside prescribed medications.
  • Respect for Authority Figures: May be hesitant to ask questions or express concerns.

Issues Requiring Sensitivity:

  • Language Barrier: Use clear, concise language and ensure access to interpreters when needed.
  • Health Literacy: Break down medical information into simpler terms and provide written instructions in Spanish.
  • Financial Concerns: Explore cost-effective treatment options and connect the patient with social services if needed.
  • Religious Beliefs: Acknowledge and respect the patient’s faith while providing evidence-based medical recommendations.
  • Cultural Practices: Show respect for traditional remedies but educate the patient about potential interactions with medications.

Communication Techniques:

  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to verbal and nonverbal cues.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Encourage the patient to share their experiences and concerns.
  • Speak Slowly and Clearly: Avoid medical jargon and explain technical terms.
  • Use Visual Aids: Utilize pictures, diagrams, or written materials in Spanish.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Maintain eye contact, use a warm and friendly tone, and respect personal space.

Health History Interview:

  1. “Tell me about your typical daily routine, including your meals and physical activities.” (Assesses diet, exercise habits, and overall lifestyle)
  2. “Do you use any herbal remedies or supplements for your diabetes?” (Identifies potential interactions with medications)
  3. “Who helps you with your daily needs, and do you have anyone who can accompany you to appointments?” (Evaluates social support and potential barriers to care)
  4. “How does your faith influence your views on health and treatment?” (Understands spiritual beliefs and incorporates them into care plan)
  5. “Have you experienced any recent challenges managing your diabetes, such as difficulty affording medications or following your diet?” (Identifies specific concerns and potential solutions)

Risk Assessment Instrument: The STRATIFY Risk Score

The STRATIFY tool is suitable for this patient because it specifically assesses cardiovascular risk in individuals with diabetes. It considers factors like age, gender, ethnicity, blood pressure, HbA1c (blood sugar control), and smoking history. This information is crucial for this patient, as diabetes significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The STRATIFY score will help identify the patient’s individual risk level and guide treatment decisions to prevent complications.

By considering these cultural and social factors, healthcare providers can create a more patient-centered approach that addresses the specific needs of this individual.


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