Write a 4-5 page analysis of theoretical models and their use in developing global teams and resolving conflicts in diverse workplaces.
To build global leadership competencies, it is important to understand the theoretical models and their potential utility in your organization or industry.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze aspects of leading and working in global and diverse environments.
Describe the cultural intelligence (CQ) framework.
Competency 2: Apply practices for leading and following in diverse environments.
Compare and contrast how two of these models could be used to develop effective global teams or resolve conflicts in diverse workplaces.
Analyze personal learning for all of these tools and models.
Competency 3: Analyze ways in which leaders and followers make personal and professional adjustments as they work in complex environments.
Analyze the role of cultural intelligence in leading effectively in a cross-cultural context.
Assess the potential application of cultural frameworks and process tools for global organizations.
Competency 4: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.
The Cultural Intelligence (CQ) framework is a theory that provides an understanding of how individuals interact with different cultural contexts. It was first proposed by David Thomas and Kerr Inkson in 2004 as a way to measure intercultural effectiveness. The concept of CQ recognizes that individuals possess varying levels of comfort, confidence, and competence when interacting with people from different backgrounds or cultures. This ability is further divided into four components: cognitive intelligence, physical intelligence, meta-cognitive intelligence and motivational intelligence (Thomas & Inkson, 2004).
Cognitive intelligence comprises one’s knowledge about other cultures as well as the ability to interpret cross-cultural interactions accurately. Physical intelligence consists of communication skills such as verbal fluency and body language sensitivity which allow people to effectively interact with others from diverse backgrounds. Meta-cognitive intelligence involves self-reflection on one’s own biases or preconceptions while engaging in cross-cultural conversations. Finally, motivational intelligence refers to the motivation an individual has for learning about different cultures and displaying appropriate behaviors when interacting with them (Thomas & Inkson, 2004).
Therefore, it can be seen that cultural Intelligence provides not only a way to measure how competent someone is in navigating unfamiliar cultural contexts but also helps identify areas where improvement may be needed so they can become more effective communicators between different social groups.
any various techniques for transforming detainees, the main change is the latest model.
The possibility of discipline, notwithstanding, is “the curse or burden of a punishment as retaliation for an offense.” (Oxford Word references | English, n.d.), and in essential terms, utilizes discipline to instruct wrongdoers that negative activities have unfortunate results. This has gone back since society created (before this, it was the occupation of the family to train the culprit). Early texts, for example, the Holy book characterized what was an offense and its proper discipline, which frequently involved being constrained into subjugation for a long time as domains created. For more terrible violations, the punishment was demise or expulsion, which then developed into momentary detainment followed by torment which turned out to be progressively utilized in the Middle age period. To go with this, new torment gear, the ‘Iron Lady’ for example, was created. Being hung, drawn and quartered, extended on a rack, marked, having body parts slashed off and being closed in a case fixed with sharp spikes (known as the ‘Iron Lady’) became ordinary, as well as open executions. Around 1166, the possibility of long haul detainment was presented and the primary penitentiaries were assembled, albeit “the jail guardian charged for covers, sleeping cushions, food, and, surprisingly, the handcuffs. The detainee needed to pay for the honor of being both booked (charged) and delivered” (Encyclopedia.com, 2005) and was frequently unsanitary and dangerous. During the 1500s, the people who had carried out minor wrongdoings were condemned to extremely difficult work, while the individuals who had perpetrated significant offenses were ‘shipped’, meaning they were sent on a tricky excursion to Australia. Since these times, the jail framework has created and improved, and even incorporates more rehabilitative measures like vague condemning (being delivered ahead of schedule for good way of behaving) and parole with an end goal to diminish recidivism.
What are the advantages of restorative recovery?
Kinds of treatment
There are a wide range of kinds of restoration utilized today, yet it hasn’t forever been however refined as it seems to be currently. I framed in the presentation of the Quaker isolation ‘atone and reflect’ technique, however from that point forward there have been a few improvements which target unmistakable issues that guilty parties need to confront. One strategy utilized that endeavors to get hoodlums to change their way of behaving is a kind of talking treatment called Mental Conduct Treatment (R Blakey, 2017), which addresses — “self-justificatory reasoning, error of expressive gestures, insufficient moral thinking, blueprints of strength and qualification, and so forth. [… ] They might hold conceptualizations of themselves, others, and the world that legitimize standoffish way of behaving, for instance, “it’s not possible for anyone to be relied upon”, “everybody is against me,” or “society doesn’t allow me an opportunity”. [… ] And they might have inadequate mental abilities for long haul arranging, critical thinking, and independent direction [… ]. Mental social medicines (CBTs) for wrongdoers are intended to address these useless and criminogenic thinking designs.” (Lipsey, 2001). Albeit this has been brought into UK penitentiaries, projects, for example, these as it were