Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration




Develop a Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration that:
Is relevant to the field of Business Psychology.
Is considered important enough for you to invest your time, motivation, and energy in completing (has a positive benefit for you and the organization involved)
Relates to at least three of the overall learning outcomes for the Business Psychology program. The outcomes are:
Assess the value of a neuroscience tool for use in the workplace.
Diagnose an organizational culture.
Evaluate psychological assessments for use in leadership and organizational development.
Create behaviorally-based measures of economic performance.
Apply psychological principles to new product marketing.
Differentiate job applicants using behavioral science methods.
Design a process to stimulate organizational innovation.
Employ coaching techniques to deal with dysfunctional individuals.
Is doable, or substantial progress can be made, within the six week time-frame of the course.

The current paper should be based on the attached project proposal:

Executive Summary
Organization Overview
Background of the Industry
Theory 1
Theory 2
Survey Collection and Results
Theory 3 (Use the Trans-Theoretical Model to suggest the recommendations)
Short Term Recommendations
Long Term Recommendations


Sample Solution

Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration Proposal: Boosting Employee Engagement through Gamification

Executive Summary:

This project aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of gamification, a motivational technique, in enhancing employee engagement within a specific organization. We will assess the current level of employee engagement through surveys and utilize the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) to design gamified interventions tailored to different employee motivational stages.

Organization Overview:

[Replace with the name and a brief description of the chosen organization]

Background of the Industry:

[ Briefly describe the industry the chosen organization operates in and any relevant trends regarding employee engagement.]


Low employee engagement can lead to decreased productivity, higher absenteeism, and increased turnover. This project addresses the need to improve employee engagement within the chosen organization.

Theory 1: Self-Determination Theory (SDT):

SDT emphasizes intrinsic motivation driven by autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Gamification can address these needs by providing employees with a sense of control over their virtual avatar or progress within the game, opportunities to acquire new skills and master challenges, and a sense of community and connection with colleagues.

Theory 2: Flow Theory:

Flow Theory suggests that people are most engaged when they experience a state of optimal challenge and skill. Gamification creates a dynamic environment where employees can constantly strive to improve, increasing their sense of flow and engagement.

Survey Collection and Results:

We will conduct surveys to assess current employee engagement levels and gather data regarding employee preferences for game mechanics and rewards. (This section will be filled with actual data collected during the project)

Theory 3: Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM):

The TTM categorizes individuals into stages of change based on their readiness to adopt a new behavior (gamification in this case). We will utilize the TTM to tailor gamified interventions:

  • Precontemplation: Raise awareness of the benefits of gamification and address any concerns.
  • Contemplation: Offer pilot programs showcasing the gamified experience.
  • Preparation: Develop a user-friendly gamified platform and provide training.
  • Action: Launch the gamification program and provide ongoing support.
  • Maintenance: Continuously improve the platform and offer progressive challenges.

Short-Term Recommendations:

  • Conduct employee surveys to assess engagement levels and preferences.
  • Design a pilot gamified program targeting specific behaviors aligned with company goals.
  • Implement the pilot program with a small group and iterate based on feedback.

Long-Term Recommendations:

  • Develop a comprehensive gamified platform aligned with employee preferences and organizational objectives.
  • Integrate gamification into existing training and development programs.
  • Track the impact of gamification on key metrics like employee engagement, productivity, and retention.


This project will contribute to the Business Psychology program learning outcomes by:

  • Assessing the value of a neuroscience tool (gamification) in the workplace.
  • Applying psychological principles (SDT & Flow Theory) to a business challenge (engagement).
  • Designing a process to stimulate organizational innovation through gamification.


The proposed project is feasible within the six-week timeframe. Employee surveys, pilot program development, and initial implementation can be achieved within this timeframe. Long-term elements, like platform development, can be planned for future implementation.


This Business Psychology Mastery Demonstration offers an opportunity to explore the potential of gamification in boosting employee engagement. By applying relevant theories and conducting a data-driven approach, this project aims to provide a valuable solution for the chosen organization while demonstrating the power of psychology in the workplace.


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