The 1920s saw a significant expansion in personal freedoms for some segments of the U.S. population. At the same time, the decade witnessed widespread retrenchment, oppression, and intolerance. Which force – freedom or intolerance – was more central to the history of the United States in the 1920s?


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The old and the new came into sharp conflict in the 1920s. While many Americans celebrated the emergence of modern technologies and less restrictive social norms, others strongly objected to the social changes of the 1920s. Beginning at the end of the 19th century, immigration into the United States rocketed to never-before-seen heights. Many of these new immigrants were coming from eastern and southern Europe and for many English-speaking, native-born Americans of northern Europe descent the growing diversity of new languages, customs, and religions triggered anxiety and racial animosity. In reaction, some embraced nativism, prizing white Americans with older family trees over more recent immigrants and rejecting outside influences in favor of their own local custom. Nativists also stoked a sense of fear over the perceived foreign threat, pointing to the anarchist assassinations of the Spanish prime minister in 1897, the Italian king in 1900, and even President William Mckinley in 1901 as proof.

Daily Scrum Meetings
The Daily Scrum Meeting is a daily 15-minute meeting (also called Daily stand up meeting) for the entire Team, aimed to make the team understand the work since the last Daily Scrum Meeting and create the next plan. The meeting is usually held at the same place and same place every day to minimize complexity.
During the meeting, each Team member explains:
• What they did yesterday that helped the Team meet the Sprint Goal?
• What will they do today to help the Team meet the Sprint Goal?
• Is there any impediments that might prevent them from meeting the Sprint Goal?
Daily Scrum is a planning event but is mistaken to be a status tracking event
The focus of the meeting should be on how the team is doing to ensure they are on track for the Sprint Goal, and the outcome of the meeting should focus on a new or revised plan that optimizes the team’s efforts in meeting the Sprint Goal.
The Meeting is the responsibility of the Team, even though the Scrum Master coordinates the Daily Scrum Meeting and ensures that the objectives of the meeting are met.
The Team may also meet immediately after the Daily Scrum Meeting in case they need a detailed discussion or want to re-plan the rest of the Sprint’s work.
Daily Scrum Meetings have the following benefits:
• Improved communication within the Team
• Identify obstacles or bottlenecks, if any, in order to ensure an early removal of the same, minimizing impact on the Sprint
• Promoting pro-activeness
• Improved level of knowledge in the team
Sprint Review
At the end of every Sprint, a Sprint Review is done during which a review is done on the increment that is getting released. The Scrum Team and the stakeholders collaborate in this meeting to understand what was done in the Sprint bases on which and any newly introduced changes to the Product Backlog during the Sprint, they arrive at the next steps required that could optimize value. Thus, the objective of Sprint Review is to get a feedback and progress accordingly.
The duration of the Sprint Review is normally of two hours for two-week sprints and four hours in case of one-month sprints.
The Scrum Master ensures that the meeting takes place and the participants understand the purpose. It also ensures that the meeting is focused on the required agenda and is completed within the required duration.
The following aspects are included in the Sprint Review:

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