Caring For East Indian Hindu, Haitian, & Jewish Populations


a) Describe the family structure of some East Indian Hindu families and the effect the family organization may have on health-seeking behavior.

b) What are the contributing factors that lead to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants?

c) List religious needs a Jewish client may have while being hospitalized with which nursing staff can assist.


Sample Solution

  1. a) East Indian Hindu Family Structure and Health-Seeking Behavior

Family Structure: East Indian Hindu families are traditionally joint families, meaning multiple generations live together under one roof, including parents, children, unmarried siblings, and sometimes even grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. The eldest male (patriarch) is often the head of the household and makes major decisions.

Effect on Health-Seeking Behavior: This structure can influence health-seeking behavior in several ways:

  • Decision-making: Decisions about seeking medical care often involve the entire family, not just the individual who is sick. This can be a source of support but may also lead to delays if there is disagreement.
  • Social Support: Having a large family network can provide strong social support for a sick individual, with family members helping with transportation, childcare, and emotional support.
  • Traditional Practices: Traditional medicine and home remedies may be used before seeking professional medical help.
  • Privacy: Open living arrangements might make it difficult to discuss sensitive health issues.
  1. b) Contributing Factors to High Birth Rate in Haiti

Several factors contribute to the high birth rate in Haiti and among Haitian immigrants:

  • Cultural Values: Large families are often seen as a blessing, symbolizing prosperity and a source of future support in old age.
  • Lack of Family Planning Access: Many Haitians, especially in rural areas, have limited access to family planning education and resources.
  • Religious Beliefs: Some religious denominations may discourage contraception.
  • Economic Factors: Children can be seen as an additional source of labor in agricultural families.
  1. c) Religious Needs of a Jewish Client in the Hospital

Jewish clients may have specific religious needs while hospitalized. Here are some examples and how nurses can assist:

  • Dietary Restrictions: Following Kosher dietary laws. Nurses can consult with a rabbi or refer to a Kosher meal plan.
  • Shabbat Observance: Shabbat is a day of rest from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Nurses can avoid scheduling procedures or tests during this time if possible and allow for use of religious objects.
  • Prayer Needs: Clients may want to pray regularly or wear a kippah (head covering). Nurses can provide a quiet space and ensure privacy.
  • Holidays: Observance of holidays like Yom Kippur (fasting day) may require adjustments in medication schedules or meal plans. Nurses can consult with a rabbi or healthcare provider for guidance.

Important Note: It’s important to remember that not all Jewish people observe religious practices to the same degree. The best approach is to directly ask the client about their specific needs and preferences.


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