
After reading through “Cascades” (or the “The Uninhabitable Earth, Annotated”– it’s adapted from that same chapter) I’d like you to choose

a preliminary topic and, based on that topic, answer the questions at the bottom of this page with detail and specificity.

Before beginning this discussion, be sure to read the Context Project promptPreview the document carefully.

Some guidelines for thinking about the discussion and the CP: Wallace-Wells emphasizes the point that carbon emissions are the root of all climate problems. Scientists

have known about this problem for decades, and yet little impactful effort has been made at the policy level to enact substantial, lasting change. For this project, I

want you to think about why there have been no major policy breakthroughs. What communication blunders or strategies have pushed the consistent use of fossil fuels?

Why haven’t scientific studies – such as IPCC reports – had substantial impact? Is there a messaging problem? Is the information too hard to grasp? Is it a political

problem? A result of capitalism? A multifaceted combination? Something else?

So, for this discussion go beyond “carbon emissions are the problem” and think deeply about how and why the very things that produce carbon emissions are still doing

so today.


The company operates in 100 states and employ over 52,000 people around the world. The company main office in Oman is located in Al Azaibah, Weatherford also has other branches around Oman in different regions for example Nizwa, and Gahl

Weatherford’s mission is to be one of the preferred and best companies in a wide range of oilfield services and products as well as technologies that help the customers produce oil more efficiently and conveniently. By providing all the important and useful requirement that the client need for long and short term.
Moreover, operators always seek for new techniques to extend the economic lives of the reservoir also a safe way to solve various challenges connected to aging well, where Weatherford Company offers all the Innovative technology and high quality services to confront these challenges.
Weatherford Provides different services in drilling and formation evaluation, well construction, completion and stimulation, also production.
To begin with drilling services and formation evaluation, which contain different categories, for example laboratory services, reservoir solutions, surface logging system, and wireline services.
Having considered the services provided by the company, it is also reasonable to look at the different categories and their definitions, start with the first category laboratory services.
Weatherford laboratories deliver a set of basic core analysis services with a whole necessity test required to help the costumer more in improving reservoir estimates, recover their reservoir forming, also identify and correct any damage to the formation of the reservoir.

Moreover the advanced tests provided by the Weatherford labs are particularly designed to evaluate different properties such as Petrophysics, Fluid Flow Properties, Rock Mechanics, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and others.
The second category is about reservoir solutions, this category generally discuss about the oilfield challenges and the solution that the company offer to the clients for several difficulties that the operators faced.
Coming to third category surface logging system, is mostly talking about the extraction of fluids from the underground and determining the amount of sufficient gases present in the reservoir by means of specific measurements and Techniques. Inadequate fluid extraction or using unsuitable devices can cause an error in the measurements also reduce the accuracy of the analysis.
Nevertheless, Weatherford Company also offers to the operator’s wireline services, the wireline services include all the advance and important information about the well. Likewise wireline fulfil all the client needs with unequalled flexibility and with integrated strategic wireline technologies, tools, and syste
In addition, completion and stimulation is also one of the essential services provided by Weatherford Company. To achieve a high quality production of the well it is important to perform critical treatments and upgrades efficiently. This requires a careful preparation and extensive capability.
Consequently, Weatherford delivers a complete facilities, breadth, and experience in multi subjects whether on the surface or down the well, in laboratories or factories. The company focus is to deliver a high quality services in the industry.

Weatherford labs

Weatherford Laboratories are involved in rock and fluid analysis by providing several services related to oil and gas production around the world. Weatherford labs has wide experience in working with different type of fluids and reservoir which play an important role for oil and gas producers. In addition, this experience leads the company to reach determinations on the best production for the long-term viability of a well.

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