Case analysis on being a manager at a prison


The analysis of the two laws and the advice you give as a manager of the prison should demonstrate an understanding of the 4 moral/economic theories: Freedman shareholder theory Freeman stakeholder theory, utilitarianism, and deontology. you should apply each of the 4 moral series to both scenarios (the laws)
The attached instructions remind you how to write in essay format
Introduction: state the issues you are presented with along with a brief statement of conclusion, which is your thesis (what advice you are giving and why.
Describe and analyze proposed law 1 applying each moral theory
Describe and analyze proposed law 2 applying each moral theory
Conclusion: summarize the issues and restate the conclusions you’ve reached under each law (what advice you are giving and why)

Sample Solution

“A circumstance wherein the estimation of money related establishments or the estimation of their advantages drops quickly.” A budgetary emergency is regularly connected with a frenzy or a bank run that may fall entire monetary arrangement of economy. The speculators auction resources or pull back cash from bank accounts with the desire that the estimation of those benefits will drop on the off chance that they stay at a budgetary foundation. Budgetary emergency implies defeat in the estimation of the nation money and monetary organizations or market instrument accordingly nation may experience the ill effects of downturn.

‘Money related Crisis’:

A money related emergency can come because of establishments or resources being exaggerated, and can be declined by financial specialist conduct.

One case of a money emergency happened in Russia in 1998 and prompted the degrading of the ruble and the default on open and private obligation. Money emergencies, for example, of Russia’s may rise up out of assortment of monetary conditions, for example, enormous shortages and low outside stores. These emergencies may have impact on one’s nation on occasion when its neighboring nations are encountering monetary emergency.


Following six years of financial change in Russia, privatization and macroeconomic adjustment had encountered some restricted achievement. However in August 1998, in the wake of recording its first year of positive monetary development since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia had to default on its sovereign obligation, depreciate the ruble, and proclaim a suspension of installments by business banks to remote leasers.

“What made the Russian economy face a monetary emergency after so much had been practiced In April 1996”? Russian authorities started dealings to reschedule the installment of outside obligation acquired from the previous Soviet Union. These arrangements were a significant advance toward reestablishing financial specialist certainty. Evidently 1997 appeared to be ready to be a defining moment toward monetary solidness.

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