Case Assessment of Opioid Use Disorder using the Liberation Health Triangle





Introduction: The Liberation Health Triangle is a framework for understanding and addressing health issues that goes beyond just the physical symptoms of the illness. It takes into account the broader social and political context that impacts a person’s health, including issues such as poverty, discrimination, and access to healthcare. In this assignment, you will use the Liberation Health Triangle to assess a case of opioid use disorder, looking at the person’s physical, mental, and social well-being and the broader systemic factors that contribute to the problem.


Here are some commonly used opioids and their corresponding brand names and generic names:

Codeine (generic name): Tylenol with Codeine, Capital and Codeine, Robitussin AC

Fentanyl (generic name): Duragesic, Actiq, Sublimaze

Hydrocodone (generic name): Vicodin, Lortab, Lorcet

Hydromorphone (generic name): Dilaudid, Exalgo

Meperidine (generic name): Demerol

Methadone (generic name): Dolophine, Methadose

Morphine (generic name): Kadian, MS Contin, Avinza

Oxycodone (generic name): OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan

Tramadol (generic name): Ultram, Ultracet

Opioids are a class of drugs that act on the nervous system to produce pain relief, euphoria, and sedation. They include both prescription painkillers and illegal drugs such as heroin. Here are some of the effects of opioids, along with specific concerns related to fentanyl lacing:

Pain Relief: Opioids are most commonly used for their pain-relieving effects. They can reduce the intensity of pain signals to the brain, making them a valuable tool for managing chronic pain conditions.

Euphoria: Opioids can also produce a sense of euphoria, which can be pleasurable and reinforcing. This can make them highly addictive and increase the risk of opioid use disorder.

Sedation: Opioids can cause drowsiness and sedation, which can lead to slowed breathing and other respiratory problems.

Nausea and Vomiting: Opioids can cause nausea and vomiting, particularly when taken in high doses or for an extended period of time.

Constipation: Opioids can slow down the digestive system, leading to constipation.

Respiratory Depression: Opioids can suppress breathing, which can be dangerous or even fatal. This is a particular concern with fentanyl, which is much more potent than other opioids and can be deadly even in very small doses.

Overdose: Overdose is a serious risk with all opioids, but it is particularly concerning with fentanyl. Even a small amount of fentanyl can be deadly, and it is often mixed with other drugs without the user’s knowledge.


Almost 90% of people who need the services of a drug treatment program do not receive it (Generes 2022). Opioid use dependence is difficult to treat effectively. The recidivism (relapse) rate is high, but the longer one is off drugs, the more likely one will remain abstinent. One benefit of treatment is that addicts live longer (Generes 2022).

Those with opioid use dependence do not have to be consigned to a lifetime of addiction. Many mature or grow out of drug use. Treatment programs range from psychotherapy to behavior modification to acupuncture to medical intervention.

Withdrawal from narcotics is not as life-threatening or as severe as many people believe. Most addicts are withdrawn from narcotics gradually, although rapid detoxification can be just as effective. Unfortunately, most patients undergoing detoxification fail to complete the program. Freeing one’s body of drugs does not remove the person’s desire to take drugs.

To help people in withdrawal, they receive drugs such as clonidine, buprenorphine, naltrexone, naloxone, and the best known, methadone. Clonidine was used to treat hypertension initially, and it was found also to eliminate some drug withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone reduces the amount of time addicts require to undergo withdrawal, but it triggers withdrawal more suddenly.

Typically, detoxification is completed in 10 to 14 days if it is conducted on an inpatient basis. Federal guidelines allow methadone to b

Sample Solution

Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive opioid use and continued use despite adverse consequences. OUD can have devastating effects on an individual’s physical and mental health, as well as interfere with their ability to perform in daily activities. To ensure an effective treatment plan is put in place for individuals suffering from this disorder, the Liberation Health Triangle should be used to assess the case. This model allows clinicians to look at three key areas – medical & pharmacological liberation, behavioral liberation and emotional/spiritual liberation- when evaluating a patient’s condition (Kolodny et al., 2020).

In regards to medical & pharmacological liberation, providing medications such as buprenorphine or methadone can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with opioid addiction while allowing patients time for other treatments such as psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy to address underlying issues fueling substance abuse behavior (Nestler et al., 2017). Behavioral liberation focuses on identifying any environmental factors that may contribute towards opioid misuse along with reinforcing positive behaviors which prevent future relapse episodes. Lastly, emotional/spiritual liberation examines the client’s spiritual beliefs and overall sense of well being in order to create a holistic approach which recognizes both physical symptoms of OUD as well psychological ones (McLellan et al., 2020).

All in all, using The Liberation Health Triangle provides a comprehensive framework for assessing cases of Opioid Use Disorder. This allows practitioners to look at different aspects related to opioid addiction so they can develop optimal treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient.

Keeping with the theme of rationality, the authors of this article have taken a different approach, arguing that actor’s make rational choices when voting. The paper seeks to demonstrate that social preferences are dominant over selfish preferences when at the ballot, that there is a feedback mechanism in rational socially motivated voting which effectively stabilises reasonable voter turnout and that there is a link between the ‘rational social-utility model of voter turnout’ out and the results of socially motivated ‘vote choice’ studies.



The authors argue against the traditional rational-choice models which assume individuals act selfishly, instead arguing that the rationality assumption can be separated from the selfishness assumption thus revealing that voting can be a rational act and that agents vote according to the expected social consequences. Additionally, agents perceive voting as a potential contribution to the greater good. The result of this theory is that vote choice models should work with social rather than selfish utility functions. By separating social and selfish preferences, which have traditionally thought of as being linked, it becomes clear that voting in large populations is perfectly rational. This is evidenced by small-scale contributions to political campaigns, active participation in opinion polls, increased voter turnout in relation to size and anticipated closeness of an election which are seemingly irrational phenomena considering the scope and significance of a single vote.

Another proposition made by the authors is that agents decide who to vote for based on social consideration. This is evidenced by ‘un-loyal’ strategic voting, voting based on issues which have no direct significance to the voter, but perhaps most importantly on surveys of voter motivations. The findings of these surveys suggest that voters will often voter’s preferences are strongly aligned with their views of what would be most beneficial to the country, rather than their own situation. It can thus be argued that voters think in terms of group and national benefits.

This article, when positioned amongst broader literature, makes some cont

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