Case Study: An Urban Bilingual

Researchers strive to systematically collect data in order to create accurate descriptions of the social world. This allows them to draw conclusions about why people act the way they do in all types of situations and in relation to other people. For this qualitative research paper, you will systematically collect data through your interview with a functional bilingual. In going through this process, you will experience how social scientists transform data they collect into a written case study research paper.
In writing this research paper, imagine you educate your fellow students—monolingual, bilingual, multilingual alike—on the dimensions of what it means to be someone who uses more than one language. Give your readers the necessary context or background information throughout the paper to help them follow your discussion. If you use any terms that would be unfamiliar to your readers, make sure to define them.
Your task: In this research paper, respond to the prompt below:
Based on the personal perspective shared by the person you interviewed, what is the experience of a bilingual in an urban place like New York City? Select and discuss three aspects of the bilingual experience from the responses of your participant. Be sure to support your discussion with a specific reference to the words of the interviewee and to the concepts covered in class. Conclude your paper by reflecting on the central question of this assignment, “What is unique about the experience of the person you interviewed, an urban bilingual?”

Process stages for this assignment
1. Select the person to be interviewed (the functional bilingual you interview must a local bilingual, New York City).
2. Develop your questions for the online assignment; select the most appropriate for your case study from the list posted on Blackboard.
3. Schedule, conduct, and audio-record the interview; transcribe the answers.
4. Select three themes/aspects of the bilingual experience in the responses of your participants to be discussed in your paper and select appropriate quotes from your participant. Submit the transcript and the three aspects as your next online assignment.
5. Make sure to end the paper with a reflection on your research process and what you learned through this primary research study.

Interview Questions:
1. What languages do you speak?
2. What language or languages do your parents use when speaking to you?
3. When did you notice that you were capable of speaking different languages?
4. How different is the language you speak at home from other languages?
5. When in school, what language did you use?
6. How did you learn other languages?
7. How difficult was it to learn other/foreign language?
8. Do you find it helpful to be bilingual?
9. Do you prefer speaking one language over the other?
10. What language do you think in?
Note: Interviewee can be any of the following first language speakers:
Spanish, Nepali, Chinese, Tibetan, Hindi, Vietnamese, Philippines (I will do the audio record but need transcript on a separate paper)

Sample Solution

Adam Smith wrote that “the subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the supports of the Government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities, that is, in proportion to their revenue which they enjoy under the protection of the state” (Smith, 1776).. It is in favour of a progressive tax structure and implies that tax should be paid on a rate schedule. The UK uses this system on their income tax, with an allowance of £11,850 (as of 2018/19) (UK Government, 2017) tax free to help low receivers of income, and anything over is taxed at various rates based on the band in which they fall. The design of the rate schedule should reflect the best available evidence on how responsive people at different income levels are.


This cannon suggests that the tax needed to be paid, the place and other procedural information should be certain to the tax payer. This protects the individual from exploitation from the tax authorities. This also means the government should be able to estimate the tax yield within a certain degree of accuracy, so expenses can be managed. The system should have some degree of flexibility so that changes are possible without damaging the economy or contentment of the people. It must cope with the changing needs of politics, with tax rates changing year on year to deal with contributing factors, but should clearly be announced, and change of leadership in short successions, with a minim

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