Case Study Concept Map and Plan of Care


Design plans for care specific to the older adult.
Consider the scenario below, then follow the instructions underneath it to complete the assignment.

Mrs. Y
Mrs. Y is an 84-year-old client who was recently discharged from the hospital for an infected diabetic ulcer on her left leg. During her hospitalization, Mrs. Y required intravenous antibiotic therapy through a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line.
Due to Mrs. Y’s long history of diabetes, her physician ordered that intravenous antibiotic therapy be continued at home. Subsequently, home health services were initiated, a home health nurse was assigned to Mrs. Y’s case, and an initial home visit was scheduled.
The home health nurse arrives at Mrs. Y’s home and introduces herself to the client and the family. The nurse explains the home nursing services that will be provided, including the PICC line and intravenous antibiotic therapy treatments.
During the initial home visit, the nurse assessed the physiological, psychological, functional, and safety needs of the client. The nurse’s findings were as follows:
Mrs. Y lives alone; however, her daughter checks on her frequently throughout the day.
The client is noted to have moderate functional issues and ambulates with a cane.
The client has several throw rugs in the main walking quarters and minimal lighting throughout the hallways.
Mrs. Y states “I used to get around my house with ease, but now I get a little tired and have to sit down and rest frequently.”
Consider Mrs. Y’s current health status and functional decline, then address the following:
Download the Concept Map and Plan of Care worksheet below. An example is also provided for your reference.
Concept Map and Plan of Care worksheet

Concept Map and Plan of Care example

Identify three (3) priority nursing diagnoses for Mrs. Y. Visit the School of Nursing Guide Nursing Reference eBooks section for resources to assist with nursing diagnoses.
Create a visual representation of the three (3) priority nursing diagnoses by incorporating them into the Concept Map (template in the worksheet). Be sure each nursing diagnosis includes the following elements:
“related to (r/t)” — description of the client’s problem
“as evidenced by” — description of the client’s symptoms
Complete the Nursing Plan of Care (table in the worksheet) describing what should be implemented for Mrs. Y.
Goals: Establish at least one (1) goal for each of the nursing diagnoses you identified (for a total of 3 goals). Goals should be: patient specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time limited.
Nursing Interventions: Describe at least three (3) nursing interventions for each of the goals (for a total of 9 nursing interventions). Each intervention should be in alignment with the goal it is supporting.
Complete the assignment using proper spelling, grammar, and APA.
For information about creating a concept map, review the FAQ, What is a concept map and how do I create one?


Sample Solution

Care Plans on a Concept Map Care Plans on a Concept Map Nursing care is planned and organized in a novel way. Basically, it’s a diagram illustrating the patient’s issues and treatments. The “concepts” to be diagrammed are ideas concerning patient problems and solutions. Nursing diagnoses are linked to particular assessment data on concept maps. Specific columns for diagnosis, interventions, and evaluation are included in column nursing care plans. A “Model of Care” is a wide term that refers to the manner in which health services are delivered. As a person, demographic group, or patient cohort progresses through the phases of a condition, injury, or event, it defines best practice care and services. A medical model of disability is used to plan care. The planning of care is based on a social model of disability.

eauty guidelines have a gigantic influence in the cutting edge world. One might say that quality altering, and all the more explicitly, creator infants, would empower social norms in regards to magnificence to proceed and deteriorate. Ladies are feeling the squeeze to look a specific method for fitting in and adjust to the body standard at that point (Mazur, 2010). One year, blue eyes might be the norm, then, at that point, it might change to brown in a couple of years. This is a comparative case with body shape. As indicated by an examination led in 2007, 90% of all lady matured 15-64 all over the planet might want to change something like one part of their actual appearance (Calogero, Boroughs and Thompson, 2007).This shows that innovation that permits you to change your kid’s appearance will possibly be utilized by guardians, in light of these social guidelines. As will be exhibited in this article, there are additionally results of utilizing this innovation that sway the youngster on which they are being utilized on. Robert Sparrow of Monash University contends in his 2018 paper on quality altering (Sparrow, 2019) of the oldness of ‘originator infants’. He fights that when a kid is given upgrades upon entering the world, they will “quickly leave date” and “Eventually, every altered kid will view the person in question self as ‘the previous kid”. With this, he is mentioning that, similarly as design becomes out of date as the years go by, hereditary attributes that are considered ‘appealing’ will before long lose their pizazz. Whenever this occurs, the kid will feel lacking and will never again have what society thinks about the ‘best quality’. Besides, various characteristics might be viewed as more alluring in the cutting edge world, so quality altering would additionally homogenize and universalise how we might interpret magnificence, appeal and what is considered ‘great’. One thing that makes mankind so intriguing is the variety of individuals. This homogenisation of the possibility of excellence will dispose of this variety.

In this paper, it could be helpful to give a thought of the advantages of quality altering just being utilized in clinical examination and treatment in the lab. This is where clinical medicines utilizing quality altering ought to be thought of. Youngsters who experience the ill effects of inherited illnesses can’t carry on with a typical life. The utilization of CRISPR/CAS9 for clinical treatment, nonetheless, be utilized to hereditarily amend these issues before the child is even conceived. The incipient organism of the kid shaped from the guardians can be naturally adjusted to eliminate the hereditary change that causes the infection (Gene Therapy-Mayo Clinic, n.d). In medication research, analysts’ general benefits are to do with medicines for ailments, so the power that is quality altering will be utilized to help all of humankind, regardless of whether it is kept behind lab dividers. Besides, involving it for clinical exploration has significantly less issues related with it, and less cultural results. There is, albeit, a significant component to consider here; clinical examination isn’t in every case ethically or morally legitimate. There are numerous verifiable instances of corrupt clinical examination. In 1951, a young lady called Henrietta Lacks was taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital where she was given therapy for her cervical disease. Dr George Gey, a malignant growth and infection specialist in the clinic would frequently save cells from patients for clinical examination. He viewed Lacks’ cells as very extraordinary and even today, HeLa cells help us stu

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