Case study of an infant or toddler with developmental challenges


Create and analyze a 1-2 page simulated case study of an infant or toddler with developmental challenges, who shows evidence of factors that affect development. Then create a 5-7 page intervention plan based on evidence-based strategies that have proven effective in similar cases, and make projections for possible long-term impacts of the child’s current challenges.
Note: The assessments in this course follow the successive stages of lifespan development, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.
Beginning as early as conception, both heredity and environmental influences can affect the development of an individual. As you engage in this assessment, keep in mind that small influences can have a significant impact on a developing fetus. Hereditary diseases, genetics, teratogens, nutrition, and stress are all factors that can influence prenatal development, which in turn, can have effects across the lifespan.
Once a child is born, the external environment begins to influence development in a huge way. Attachment is one aspect that has been given much attention as having emotional influence during this time. There are direct implications that attachment and temperament can have on the ability to successfully develop and maintain peer relationships into adulthood.
Psychologists in each area specialization should be prepared to employ evidence-based interventions to address challenges posed by the effects of early developmental concerns. As you review the literature and complete the learning assessment, consider the potential implications of early development for your professional direction. How might you apply your knowledge directly or indirectly to your areas of a professional interest? While early development may seem remote to your professional specialization, consider that the implications may be both direct and indirect. For instance, if you work in education, you will need to take into account how the permanent influences of early development can affect how a person learns. More indirectly, imagine you are an industrial psychologist working in the field. A female employee returns to work after maternity leave. She is withdrawn and appears tired. When she is referred for a consultation, you discover that the employee had contracted rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy, which caused her infant to be born with a heart defect. Would you be better able to support the employee if you were knowledgeable about the risk factors during pregnancy and environmental agents that could harm a fetus?
Part 1: Create the Case
Create a simulated case study, relevant to your area of specialization, of an infant or toddler (birth to 24 months of age) who presents developmental challenges related to factors described by Bowlby’s attachment theory. Review the following Case Study Example [DOCX] to better understand the requirements.
Your case study should be 1–2 pages in length and it should describe:
• The infant or toddler and their strengths and challenges.
• The medical, family, and social context.
• The developmental challenges that were evident in the behavior of the infant or toddler.
• Evidence in the case that supports a specific attachment style.
• Contextual factors that could affect the infant’s or toddler’s development in the area you selected for consideration.
• Individual and cultural factors that theory and/or research indicate could impact the infant’s or toddler’s development.
• Any other factors you deem appropriate based on your understanding of the theory and related research.
To develop this case, you should:
• Explore theory and research based on Bowlby’s attachment theory and related to the area of development you selected as the focus of the case.
• Identify attachment styles in general and analyze a specific attachment style for the case you are developing.
• Locate and read current research on prenatal and infant development to describe potential outcomes linked to development in infancy or toddlerhood, including important considerations in the case you are

Sample Solution

cy execution turns out to be a lot less complex. Comparatively to authority, understanding and adjusting to the present circumstance is vital to a pioneer having the option to carry out arrangements that guarantee a gathering function collectively. Cooperation is a result of good authority, and is again the obligation of the pioneer to guarantee the gathering are working effectively together. Profoundly working groups are fundamental inside associations to build efficiency and part fulfillment, by using the gifts of all gathering individuals successfully inside the requirements of the errand, individual connections and the gathering objectives (Pettinger, 2007). Figure 2: Tuckman’s Model of Group Development (Agile Scrum Guide, 2019) Tuckman in his Model of Group Development gives effectively recognizable stages that a gatherings execution can be estimated against, making it valuable for observing execution, Figure 2 shows Tuckman’s model. Positioning gathering execution against this scale can furnish pioneers with an unmistakable comprehension of how the gathering are working, permitting them to carry out strategies to change this assuming presentation is unacceptable (Pettinger, 2007). Inside associations, the hypothesis can be approximately applied to making groups by gathering comfortable people with the point that they will arrive at the norming and performing phase of the model faster. For short and straightforward undertakings this is an incredibly compelling approach to getting sorted out gatherings, because of the expanded transient efficiency. Anyway there are critical issues with gathering people thusly, especially when undertakings become more perplexing, and at last the model ought to for the most part be utilized for observing the advancement of gatherings (Pettinger, 2007). Figure 3: Belbin’s Team Roles (PrePearl Training Development, 2019) A more practical methodology of collection people is to use Belbin’s Team Theory (Belbin, 2017). Belbin recognizes 9 key jobs that should be satisfied inside a gathering to guarantee a good outcome, the jobs are summed up in Figure 3. The jobs cover a wide range of abilities that should be available inside a gathering to guarantee a good outcome, and becomes fundamental when undertakings are extensive and complex. Associations can track down the Belbin jobs every individual fits through a survey, and subsequently adjusted gatherings can be framed covering every one of the jobs. Notwithstanding, as with Fiedler’s possibility model, the hypothesis when meant practice can frequently turn out to be exceptionally illogical for associations to routinely carry out. This is to a great extent on the grounds that the association is compelled by the characters of their workers, their might be an overflow of one character type and a shortfall of another, the main arrangement is to recruit remotely to fill the missing jobs inside groups. This can bring about a broad finance for an association and colossal monetary ramifications as they can’t legitimately excuse worker’s assuming they have such a large number of one character type. The significance of Belbin jobs in a group became clear for Group 1 on th

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