read the case “The Reluctant Workers.” from Chapter 6 “Management of your time and stress” given in the attached textbook – Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 10th edition by Harold Kerzner and Answer the following Questions:
1.“Employees are not showing interest in meetings and discussion”. Why do you think such culture exists in the company? Share your views. (2.5 Marks)
2. What are the challenges Tim is facing to execute his project. Explain. (2.5 Marks)
3. “Motivation is a key to change”- what according to you should be Tim’s approach towards employees. (2.5 Marks)
4.What is Work, Life balance? What role does it play in day-to-day life of an employee? (2.5 Marks)
country, indicated extraordinary triumphs on the front, yet received the contrary thoughts when they chose to pass the normal armed force. It tends to be seen later in the novel. As we probably am aware, he is a genuine individual. He is a round character. Due to his own aspiration for power, he broke his ties with Ankara and revolted. Ethem Bey accepts his administrations are not acknowledged. He is an individual who doesn’t spare a moment to spend his kin and his beliefs for individual enthusiasm.
Reis is solid character in spite of its short stature. He is basic, modest and genuine. He is obstinate and savage when vital. He had a decent gathering and wrapping up. Down to earth, in the qualities he accepts, is an individual who has shaped an amicability between the conditions. He is a shrewd man who likewise overwhelms in Akşehir. Kuvay-I Milliye is one of the main individuals in Aksehir. It stands apart with its knowledge. It’s a level character and no adjustment throughout everyday life. He is irate with the Armenians and the Greeks. He imagines that they go to the play of the extraordinary states. Be that as it may, the nearness of good individuals in them will cause him ditherings.
Emine is a girl of a perfect, fair, rich family. It didn’t hit fifteen. She is a slim, however all out young lady. Enormous eyes, bruised eyes, gently grimacing bow eyebrows, red and thick lips, fragile and delicate nose and pimp, skin is a lovely young lady. She is as lovely as his face. She is a little girl of a perfect, not too bad, well off family. She is amazingly dedicated to her man. She is the spouse of Küçük Ağa and she has a child. She brought up her child. She was hitched to someone else with regards to news that the hodja was harmed. Additionally kicked the bucket when the hodja came.
Çakirsarayli is one of the scoundrels who ravaged the property of the individuals and even assaulted their respect. No ethical concern. Be that as it may, a portion of the men in his order got the National Forces together with the proposals of Reis Bey.
5. Subjects (441)
Küçük Ağa is a novel about National Struggle. Be that as it may, just the Turkish side of the national battle is the subject. Despite the fact that Armenians and Greeks breathe easy to time, the primary issue is the Turkish individuals and it challenges the issues inside itself as opposed to the battle against the adversary. U