March 16, 2022

Qualitative evaluations

  What is a qualitative study? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Provide examples of qualitative studies and how the information could be analyzed.Would you use […]
March 16, 2022

Media presentations, supplemental resources

Using your Hite (2021) textbook, weekly media presentations, supplemental resources or your Week 6 or Week 10 assignment papers, please answer the following questions completely. Yes, […]
March 17, 2022

Difference between total sugars and added sugars

    What is the difference between total sugars and added sugars? How do the total sugars and added sugars differ in these two bars? What […]
March 17, 2022

Benefits and risks of legislation

  Analyze a policy or legislation, evaluate the benefits and risks, and consider how the policy could be improved in a 7-9 page paper. Introduction This […]
March 18, 2022

Tech support calls for a mid-sized bank.

  You are a call center agent who takes tech support calls for a mid-sized bank. Your job is to help banking customers gain access to […]
March 18, 2022

APN Scope of Practice

  Provide an overview of what will be covered in the assignment. Introduction should include general statements on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership, and identification […]
March 20, 2022


What is a LAN? What is the difference between an intranet and an extranet? What is Metcalfe’s Law?
March 20, 2022

Statement of Research and Agricultural Extension

    submit a 2-page Statement of Research and Agricultural Extension Interests including how your current and/or past research and extension experience could contribute to, or […]
March 22, 2022

Reliability and validity

  Define reliability and validity and describe why they are important in research. Compare and contrast the different types of reliability and validity. Examine best practices […]