July 17, 2022

Overcoming Challenges

  The overarching project in FOS100 is the completion of a Student Success Plan (SSP). Completing this project will prepare you for success, not only during […]
July 21, 2022

Government plays a central role in covering health care needs

  in most other countries in the world, government plays a central role in covering health care needs; however, in the United States, the private sector […]
July 29, 2022

Subject Design

    Create a Method section for a study looking at performance in agility school for a dog taught by a professional trainer versus its owner […]
September 8, 2022

Impact of the Civil War on the economy, race relations, and politics

What was the impact of the Civil War on the economy, race relations, and politics of each region.  
September 8, 2022

Technology impacted public perception

  Describe the criminal justice issue you have selected. Specifically, how is this an issue in the field of criminal justice, what is the general impact […]
September 9, 2022

Mega Bytes Restaurant

  Review the Case Study 7.2 related to Mega Bytes Restaurant (Bordoloi, pp. 205-209). Mega Bytes is a restaurant that caters to business travelers and has […]
September 20, 2022


  Research and select a medium-sized city (100,000-500,000 people) in the United States, other than Florida. Then, write a 2-3-page paper, double-spaced, describing that city (geographic […]
September 23, 2022

The geoglyphs produced by the Nazca in Peru

    write a short research paper on the hypotheses to explain the geoglyphs produced by the Nazca in Peru. Your paper will explain ONE and […]
September 23, 2022

The Toltecs of Mesoamerica

  Do a short research paper on the Toltecs of Mesoamerica; this group is not mentioned in your textbook. This paper should be a brief “biography” […]