March 21, 2023

Freight Transport Management

Question 1 Pipeline transport is the long-distance transportation of a liquid or gas through a system of pipes—a pipeline—typically to a market area for consumption. The […]
April 21, 2023

Steel Construction

  Part A: Q1.1. Please share any prior experience you may have had in a steel construction project. Provide some details about this project. Q1.2. Assume […]
April 24, 2023

Role of the Planning System in a Multi-Ethnic England

  Exploring the Role of the Planning System in a Multi-Ethnic England: A Comparative Analysis of the Approaches Undertaken by Newcastle City Council and Leicester City […]
April 26, 2023

Monte Alban, Oaxaca Mexico

  Research Paper II (Islamic/Pre-Columbian architecture): Your topic must address at least one structure from chapter 7 (Islamic Architecture) or 10 (Indigenous Architecture in the Pre-Columbian […]
May 1, 2023

Curtain Walls

  The topic is Curtain Walls (but u could extend it) 2000 words, +/- 10%, APA 7th format, and include some pictures example(with citation reference) The […]
May 4, 2023

Job costing system and process costing system

  Compare job costing system and process costing system  
May 7, 2023

Envision a site-specific sculpture

Envision a site-specific sculpture that illustrates a historic moment or story. Include historic details and information about the site. In your sketchbook, develop a concept around […]
May 7, 2023

Sculpture that is inherently funny

  Design a sculpture that is inherently funny, silly, or disarming. Conceptually, physically, and visually. Consider what techniques and materials you would use. In your sketchbook, […]
May 7, 2023

An immersive, sculptural environment

  Design an immersive, sculptural environment. Your environment should be to scale, please include “scale people.” In your sketchbook, develop a concept around one of the […]