March 7, 2022

Employment law

      Are Uber, Lyft and other “gig” worker’s employees or independent contractors?   Do you think they should be classified as employees or independent […]
March 21, 2022

The Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act

      Briefly describe what the Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act (WDEA) is. What do you see as benefits of this act to employees? […]
March 27, 2022

The forms of intellectual intangible property protection

    Identify and explain the forms of intellectual intangible property protection, how long they last and what remedies one can seek for an infringement of […]
March 27, 2022

Agency law and the three types of authority “relationships”

      Explain agency law and the three types of authority “relationships” that are created in the workplace between employers and employees. In other words, […]
March 27, 2022

Factors and issues associated with four types of business entities in the context of U.S. contract law.

        Write a 3-page briefing of potential factors and issues associated with four types of business entities in the context of U.S. contract […]
April 7, 2022

Remedies available to a party when a breach occurs.

          Identify and explain the remedies available to a party when a breach occurs. Why do courts insist on mitigation of damages […]
April 16, 2022

Bond Value

    : Case: Roche Holding AG: Funding the Genentech Acquisition (# UV5641) Required Background Materials: None Recommended Background Materials: Ch 3, of BMA “Valuing Bonds”; […]
May 12, 2022

Practical applications of BOM

  What is a BOM? What are some practical applications of BOM? Explain in 400 words.
May 22, 2022

How the process the EPA takes to transform policy into legislation and then laws.

      You learned about the process the EPA takes to transform policy into legislation and then laws. For this assignment, you will further explore […]