October 11, 2021

Business law

  SCENARIO The Warren family signed an exclusive real estate listing agreement with Detlefsen real estate brokerage to sell their property. The agreement provided that the […]
October 11, 2021

The law of contract

    In relation to the principles of offer and acceptance in the law of contract, consider the following situations by applying the relevant statutory provisions […]
October 18, 2021

Intellectual Property And Copyright

  Why do we care about intellectual property? How successful have our attempts to protect intellectual property been? Have all countries defined and protected intellectual property […]
October 19, 2021

A court case where fraud occurred involving either a cash receipts or cash disbursement

  Find a court case where fraud occurred involving either a cash receipts or cash disbursement scheme (using the KU library/Westlaw), and discuss what fraud detection […]
October 27, 2021

United States of America v. Volkswagen

  The US government filed suit against Volkswagen. Read United States of America v. Volkswagen (Case 2:16-cv-10006-LJM-MJH, Filed 01/04/16) United States District Court, For The Eastern […]
October 31, 2021

Digital Forensics Evidence

You are the lead digital investigator for XYZ Corp. You are called to the scene of a crime involving a computer and asked to examine the […]
November 1, 2021

Business law question

    Question 1. The legal knowledge of the public is generally poor. How would you explain to a member of the public the difference between […]
November 3, 2021

Siobhan in relation to Christopher

  1- How did your experience of reading the play as a script differ from your experience of watching the play as a performance? Specify something […]
November 4, 2021

Healthcare Management Capstone

  1. Choose a case study from the e-book, one we are not using in discussions or assignments and provide a paragraph on why you chose […]