April 28, 2021

Exploring Significant Figures in Measurement

    This experiment will not have an introduction or discussion & conclusion. The focus of this report is formatting the data, calculations, and results. You […]
April 28, 2021

Chemistry discussion

        The Discussions are not simply statements of opinion. They are intended to allow you to expand upon and apply the principles discussed […]
May 1, 2021

Effect of nitrate solutions

        How does the effect of nitrate solutions affect the biomass of Sedum Japonicum (Tokyo Sun)? good system, however, what you exactly measured […]
August 30, 2021

Chemistry questions

  Find the answers to the following problems by providing line-by-line (step-by-step) solutions for each applicable question. You must show your work for questions 1-4 to […]
September 15, 2021

pH fluctuations

      1. What is one physiological process or bodily region that is highly sensitive to pH fluctuations? 2. What everyday changes can be made […]
September 18, 2021


      CIV 230, Lab No. 8 — Equipment (refer to Chapter 8 of textbook) I. Using the following information, determine the fixed and operating […]
October 11, 2021

Chemistry question

  An electrolytic cell containing one half-cell consisting of a nickel electrode in a 1 mol/L nickel (III) chloride solution and the other half-cell consisting of […]
November 2, 2021

Equilibrium & electrochemistry

    Throughout this unit you were looking at two or three examples of how equilibrium applies to everyday life. You were asked: Identify how Le […]
December 15, 2021


  Surfactants are an important class of compounds. As described in the textbook, surfactants are most commonly used in soap and detergent. They are also used […]