January 25, 2023

Personal narrative .

  Think of a vacation that really stands out. Write about the events. That see it apart from others vacations.  Be sure include descriptive details in […]
January 26, 2023

Communication Ethics

        Interpersonal communication affects more than just us, it impacts others. Our interactions have ethical considerations. As learned in our textbook interpersonal communication […]
February 6, 2023

Clinical Nurse Specialist at a large hospital

Scenario You work as a Clinical Nurse Specialist at a large hospital. You receive a phone call from your grandmother, who has received a bill from […]
February 6, 2023

Evaluate Visual Persuasion Communication

Scenario The company you work for uses numerous mediums to communicate to current clients, potential clients, and vendors, including direct mailings and email. However, you have […]
February 6, 2023

Determine Ethics Of Visual Communication

Scenario In today’s visually intensive world, we have increasing ways that images can be manipulated to create gifs and/or memes as a form of expression. In […]
February 16, 2023

Communication Network

  Assume you have just accepted the position as CIO for a small but growing firm and are tasked with developing a plan for your organizations’ […]
February 18, 2023

Nonverbal Communication in Culture

          For this 3-4 page essay, you should choose 2 cultures and evaluate the nonverbal communication. Choose a specific topic reviewed in […]
February 25, 2023


    You MUST explain each identity in detail…BE VERY SPECIFIC!     Explain which identity is most significant to you and which is least important and WHY […]
February 25, 2023

Last Day of class

  Reflect on their learning experience in this class. Post a response to each question. Responses should be insightful. How did you fulfill your goals in […]