July 14, 2021

Designing a plan for outcome evaluation

    Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that outlines a plan for a program evaluation focused on outcomes. Be specific and elaborate. Include the following […]
July 15, 2021


    1.Write a brief abstract describing Cyber attack. 2.Write about Cyber attack 500-700 word, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibligraphy. […]
July 15, 2021

A Port Scanning Tool

      Locate a Port Scanning Tool For this assignment create a new message and address the following items in your posting… Search the internet […]
July 17, 2021

Data management analytics and business intelligence

  Consider your organization or another organization with which you are familiar. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the following questions: What do you think […]
July 18, 2021

Remedies available to IP owners

  What remedies are available to IP owners and what are the elements needed to prove and win a case in court. What is the law […]
July 18, 2021

Data visualization – Computer science – R programing

Review: https://www.vitsoe.com/gb/about/good-design and select three of the ten principles noted for good design. Next in R, utilize these three principles in a problem that you will […]
July 18, 2021

Improving Data Governance

    Effective information management and data governance are invaluable to an organization. For this assignment, first explain the concept of data governance and its importance […]
July 19, 2021

Formulating Your Brief

    According to Kirk (2016), The essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then […]
July 19, 2021

Managing personnel and information system

    In this assignment, you will begin to undertake a more detailed assessment of the costs, benefits, and risks associated with the project. Specifically, you […]