March 14, 2020

Content Analysis of Data Sets

Cultural diversity in the workplace: What are the advantages/disadvantages
March 21, 2020

People Culture and the Middle East

  You have been hired as a consultant for Senator A’s presidential campaign (because you are taking the Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East class!). […]
March 21, 2020

Research Analysis

What are two of the most significant findings from your research study? Explain. If you have no significant findings explain.
March 24, 2020

Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony “From The New World”

include in your paper a description of the musical piece, information about the composer’s life, and an explanation of why you liked the piece or not. […]
March 27, 2020

Cultural relativism

Apply a concept, principle, or theory from anthropology to a subject of your choice. Please see the attached list of anthropological concepts for ideas. In order […]
March 28, 2020

“Cross-Cultural Negotiation: Americans Negotiating a Contract in China.”

Write a formal report on the communication issues raised by the case study “Cross-Cultural Negotiation: Americans Negotiating a Contract in China.” Context You work as a […]
March 31, 2020


1. Why is it important to address violence associated with hate/bias crimes and to distinguish them from other crimes? 2. Describe how data collected from nationwide […]
April 13, 2020

The effect of Korean culture on generation

Explain the significance of the study. Then summarize and criticize the relevant literature about the topic. By doing so, identify the research gap and explain how […]
April 13, 2020

Culture, spirituality, vulnerable populations

Discuss the most meaningful aspects of this course to you. Include the topics of culture, spirituality, vulnerable populations; religious diversity and complementary, alternative and integrative health […]