March 3, 2022

The evolution of the Roman Empire

  1 – Describe the evolution of the Roman Empire, especially the origins and early stages of Ancient Rome, and describe origins and use of the […]
March 6, 2022

George Washington’s “Farewell Address”

Analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” and consider the contemporary government along with the following questions: Were the warnings and exhortations followed in […]
March 10, 2022

Authoritarian parenting

  Authoritarian parenting is practiced by demanding parents who expect a lot from their children. Conduct research on authoritarian parenting in (rural) China, then write a […]
March 10, 2022

Social rights have been treated differently in international law

  Civil/political rights & economic/social rights have been treated differently in international law despite this argument and United Nations statements to the contrary. Explain how and […]
March 10, 2022

Postulation of sense-data

  Do you think the argument from illusion requires the postulation of sense-data? Are there other ways of accounting for illusions? 2. Must a representative realist […]
March 17, 2022

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

  After reading chapter 4, evaluate the history of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and then how it has transformed cryptography with the advancement of triple […]
March 17, 2022

Design and implement a firewall for an organization.

  We looked at firewalls in an earlier discussion, but here we are going to take a more advanced look. You are a consultant and have […]
March 22, 2022

Evaluation Design

  At the heart of any evaluation is the evaluation design. It is now common consensus in policy evaluation that no amount of sophisticated analysis can […]
March 23, 2022

Macro social work techniques

  consider how macro social work techniques can fit into your practice and how you can integrate these to make a difference in the communities you […]