October 19, 2020

Schools of economic thought

    Answer two question for the one paragraph 1. What are the main theoretical differences between the two different schools of economic thought outlined in […]
October 20, 2020

Money and banking

    (1)Read the Federal Reserve Board July 2, 1013 Press Release on Basel III: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20130702a.htm Answer the following questions: (i)What is the main goal of […]
October 20, 2020

Amazon.com Business Combinations and Financial Results Analysis

  Preparation Search the Internet for acquisitions and equity investments made by Amazon.com over the past five years. Review the 10-K of Amazon.com. Instructions Write a […]
October 20, 2020

Intermediate Macroeconomics

    (a). Money is a universal medium of exchange. Explain. In the process, also differentiate between direct and indirect exchange and explain why the process […]
October 21, 2020

Consumer Behavior

    1)Choose two fashion companies, one low cost, and another luxury brand. Choose also one country 2)The task consists to develop the following points Describe […]
October 21, 2020

Market power

    Market power is generally defined as the ability of a firm to set prices above what a perfectly competitive market would allow. A firm […]
October 22, 2020


      Why are commercial banks required to have reserves? Explain why reserves are an asset to commercial banks but a liability to the Federal […]
October 22, 2020

Heuristic, behavior economic

      Question 1: Using the case (amazon.com) and material available on the internet, assess, argue, and illustrate whether proposition 1 “When firms engage in […]
October 25, 2020

Economic Analysis for Managers Discussion Board

    Text Book needed: Managerial Economics, 8th Edition William F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks Wiley Think about Economics from the macro, worldwide level as well […]