January 30, 2022

How capitalism and gay identity are related.

  Discuss how capitalism and gay identity are related. Discuss the history and use of the term “queer” and how it is part of gay identity. […]
February 1, 2022

Factors of Production

  How can Factors of Production such as fruits, drugs and Land/houses impact society, race and politics? Be sure to include what happen in Guatemala, Britain/China […]
February 3, 2022

How Much Do You Need to Get By?

    The cost of living is the average monetary costs of the goods and services required to maintain a particular standard of living. It is […]
February 3, 2022

Evaluating a new product’s brands among different companies

Identify a relatively new product category, for example, tablet-sized phones (phablets). Then evaluate the brands among different companies competing in this category. Next, pick one of […]
February 3, 2022

Cuing costs during economic recessions

  As an employer wants to reduce the production cost during the economic recession, he/she could choose to (1) lay off some workers without changing wages […]
February 3, 2022

Your perception of free trade

  In your own words, what is your perception of free trade? Think about the advantages of free trade; what are two benefits that result from […]
February 6, 2022

Monetary incentive

Research has shown that monetary incentive does not always work in motivating workers and may in fact hinder performance. This seems to go against the Skinnerian […]
February 7, 2022

How economic theories responded to concerns, and politics of capitalism

    Discuss how economic theories responded to the tendencies, concerns, and politics of capitalism in their time? Pick at least three (you can pick more) […]
February 7, 2022

Depreciating currency

Suppose that the Prime Minister of Japan decides that he would like the Japanese currency to depreciate. Suppose also that prices are sticky in the short […]