July 14, 2022

The war in Ukraine

        What are your thoughts on how the war in Ukraine will affect the financial statements of domestic and international companies doing business […]
July 14, 2022

Horizontal restraint of trade

        Identify and explain what Horizontal restraint of trade is and Vertical restraint of trade from and provide what type of action your […]
July 15, 2022


  Analyze the last most recent three years of COCA COLA COMPANY net income compared to industry averages. Include a brief summary of the history (including […]
July 17, 2022

Experience is different or similar to a conventional conversation.

Reflect on your interview experience from last week. Perhaps you have noticed how well (or how poorly) you paid attention; or that something the interviewee said […]
July 22, 2022

Measurable values of the new system

  ROI is one of the most common financial measuring tools. Being able to calculate the ROI, or expected ROI, allows us to make the best […]
July 23, 2022


      Inflation impacts you in your everyday life whether you realize it or not. We have recently seen record inflation that has impacted the […]
July 23, 2022

The U.S. macroeconomy

          How do the following things impact the U.S. macroeconomy? What do they impact? (jobs, income, wealth, well-being, confidence, etc.??). Use any […]
July 25, 2022

The gap between rhetoric and reality in neoliberalism

  Describe and explain the gap between rhetoric and reality in neoliberalism with examples from different. industries?   Sample Solution 
July 25, 2022

The current inflationary crisis

  Give an economic explanation and make a political recommendation for the current inflationary crisis from the four ideological perspectives we examined throughout the semester and […]