November 30, 2020

Dow Jones Industrial Average

What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is so quoted in the investing world, composed of? What does it measure? Why is it so important? […]
December 14, 2020

Historical Economy

    Prompt 1: Discuss the American founding era. What were views of the founders on equality, taxation, and government? Prompt 2: Discuss the Great Depression […]
December 17, 2020

Short Run vs Long Run

      A) In two sentences, provide an explanation of what determines the economy in the short run vs the long run. Explain as if […]
January 12, 2021

‘economic colonialism’

In what ways do the loans provided by IMF and the World Bank represent a form of colonialism – this time ‘economic colonialism’ – all over […]
January 14, 2021

Impact of Covid on global economy

what are the two most important positive impacts that the pandemic may have for the global economy?
January 27, 2021

Australian Treasury bonds discriminatory auction

Institutional investors (II) submit the following bids in an Australian Treasury bonds discriminatory auction. The announcement mentions a $200,000,000 face value issue. II1 bids yield 1.070 […]
February 13, 2021

Economic impact that small businesses have on the United States

Understanding World Markets and the Risk Associated with Small Business Ownership Look at the economic impact that small businesses have on the United States and the […]
February 17, 2021

Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development

      Question 1 – The theories discussed in this chapter include: a: Rostow’s theory. b: The Harrod-Domar model. c: The Lewis model. d: Chenery’s […]
February 20, 2021

Economic and Cultural Determinants

            Summarize the theory of Economic and Cultural Determinants of a democratic system along with the theory of the term Modernization. […]