March 24, 2020

Environmental Science

Write an essay based on the following question/statement: –What are the arguments for and against genetically modified crops? Discuss the scientific, economic, and political issues.– Base […]
March 26, 2020

Ethanol as an alternative fuel

  Write a that must discuss the chemistry involved in the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel and must include a comparison of the energy […]
March 30, 2020

The green house effect

Explain the following topics concerning the environment and why. 1. the greenhouse effect 2. hurricane s 3. tornados. 4. typhoons
March 31, 2020

Environmental issues

Apply what you’ve learned; think about environmental issues on multiple levels (global, national, local, personal); formulate clear and well-structured arguments. 1. Explain why the topic you […]
April 2, 2020

Plastic pollution

The paper should include the following: 1. What are the effects of plastic pollution? 2. When did plastic pollution start? 3. How can we stop plastic […]
April 6, 2020

Solar energy

How can solar energy gradually replace hydrocarbon energy? Structures should be as follows: i.Cover Page – Title of paper, name and student number, date submitted, word […]
April 7, 2020

Environmental sustainability

We have been discussing environmental changes, and how to quantify and qualify these changes. A  relevant issue is the recent Covid-19 outbreak. Do you think environmental […]
April 7, 2020


For this assignment, find an example in nature where we have used biomimicry to make advances in our technology, and write a short report on your […]
April 7, 2020

Walmart – Environmental Scan and Strategy Formulation

WALMART Is the company you will do this environmental scan and strategy formulation for. Strategic Plan – Environmental Scan and Strategy Formulation This is the first […]