November 24, 2023

Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods

    Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, or Floods (pick one, not all six) 1500 to 2000 maximum words without title and references. Using one of […]
November 24, 2023

Newsletter for parents/guardians of your preschool classroom

  Create a 2 page newsletter for parents/guardians of your preschool classroom. In the first part, you will welcome them to your class and invite them […]
November 26, 2023

Mitigation (Des)

  You are interviewing for an Emergency Manager / Resiliency Director position for the assigned organization below. One of the panel members is skeptical that mitigation […]
December 5, 2023

Preparing for Aging, Death, and Dying

    Explain how the growing population of older adults will affect society, including considerations of economics, health care, living arrangements, and ethical and moral issues. […]
December 6, 2023

How pervasive paranoia and suspicion within the United States governmen

    Explore how pervasive paranoia and suspicion within the United States government and society after World War II contributed directly to the escalation of tensions […]
December 7, 2023

When voting for our representatives, should we base our decision purely on subjective preference

  When voting for our representatives, should we base our decision purely on subjective preference, such as when we pick chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Or […]
December 7, 2023

Social Venture Design

Working independently, students will develop a social venture concept based on a pressing social issue of their choice. They will create a comprehensive plan that includes […]
December 7, 2023

The United States has lagged behind other developed countries in providing accessible health care to its citizens

        Overall, the United States has lagged behind other developed countries in providing accessible health care to its citizens. Explain why the United […]
December 10, 2023

Identifying Verbal Operants

    In 1957, Skinner wrote the book Verbal Behavior in which he analyzed language based on the same environmental principles of behavior that he used […]