March 4, 2021

Elasticity of wealth

What do you think the elasticity of wealth is and why? Based on what you think about this how effective would a wealth tax be?
March 4, 2021

The Black Death

Wirte a summary about 7-10 pages double spaced about the Black Death and its origin. What did it change about society.
March 4, 2021

Center Mark Tool

Discuss when the Center Mark Tool is used.
March 4, 2021

Construction lines in AutoCad

What are Construction lines and how are they used in AutoCad?
March 4, 2021

Identity Development: Internalized Oppression

Question: Define what internalized oppression is Summarize the findings of the Doll Test Video Summarize the assigned reading “What Color is Beautiful?” by Segura-Mora. State how […]
March 4, 2021

Future Career

Effectively explain key factors to consider when choosing a career.
March 4, 2021

Assessing the Sustainability of Infrastructure

“Water, transportation, energy, and food are four of the sixteen critical infrastructures identified by the U.S. government that are so vital that their breakdown or destruction […]
March 6, 2021

An organic contaminant

    a) Illustrate an organic contaminant (e.g. benzene) plume that is entering a previously uncontaminated aquifer from a point source (e.g. a leaking underground storage […]
March 6, 2021

Intergenerational workforce

This is a theory based (empirical or qualitative) research paper for an Organizational Theory class. The dependent variable must be either an “organizational theory” such as […]