November 8, 2022

What is Chinese revolutionary cinema

  What is Chinese revolutionary cinema, when did it emerge, and what was the purpose of these films? How are these films effective at communicating and […]
November 8, 2022

The “Fifth Generation of Chinese Filmmakers”

What is the “Fifth Generation of Chinese Filmmakers” and why was this generation so important? Why are these filmmakers called “a new avant-garde? What are some […]
November 9, 2022

Cinematic Arts Personal Statement Take a look at the program website and revise the essay to a completed and compelling essay(combine everything into one essay.) Apply movies or books […]
November 14, 2022

Movie Theater Sound System

Create a learning project plan for an initiative that will teach employees how to implement Dolby Atmos Immersive Sound System. The content, format, tools, and techniques […]
November 14, 2022

Animals, Wildlife, local community And Reserves Documentary Movies

  Information: As Imam Turki Bin Abdullah royal nature reserve we want to do a documentary series made of 7 episodes about Animals, Wildlife, and local […]
November 17, 2022

The movie ape genius by nova National Geographic as well.

  1. Bibliography. Write bibliographic information for the article in the citation style for MLA (Modern language Association, APA (American Psychological Association) or SAA (Society for […]
November 23, 2022

A critique on the film “The Color Purple” by Steven Spielburg.

            Write a critique on the film “The Color Purple” by Steven Spielburg. What are your thoughts on the film? What […]
January 27, 2023

Minorities Represented in Modern Western Media

  How Minorities are Represented in Modern Western Media Please write the paper to match the attached brief – is is an “Appropriately structured rhetorical academic […]
March 4, 2023

Within Our Gates and Imitation of Life

  Choose one of the following five topics and write an 1150 word paper comparing and contrasting the two films. No mixing and matching of films […]